Maybe harvest?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. The story looks like this. I have 4 pots of WW, On Monday will starts 11th week from day I run 12/12 light cycle. But problem was that it is autumn now and it is start to get very cold. Some nights was under 40F/+4C, after this night I got powdery mildew. Now I put in for about a week the heater but my temperature at night and day is about 60F/+15C... I read that low temperature can stop grow, cause I watch my THC in about period of 2 weeks but nothing change, one plant still have at mostly white hairs... So maybe it is no point to left them at the same condition of temperature 60F/+15C and humidity 50-60% and let this powdery mildew kill my plants? I sprayed PM once with 3% H2O2 but there is still PM on my plants... So I think if you guys give me advice to cut my plants, I will try this method for vuds with PM... [video=youtube;S7jE7qzfgQs][/video]

I think there is no point left them for week or two, cause I don't want to make temperature higher in my grow room, and they were got stress from low temperature, I think they will not come back for better grow...

Will wait for answer...

If you say CUT, I will go and cut them...

Here is some pictures...!

2013-10-03 09.10.44.jpg2013-10-03 09.11.07.jpg2013-10-03 09.13.18.jpg2013-10-03 09.17.56.jpg


Well-Known Member
It depends on how much the PM has spread. Ive heard water curing is a good way to salvage moldy bud but if it starts rotting its on its way out.

If the PM takes over more than 25% id cut it ASAP.

WW is supposedly good, depending on breeder/cut, by week 9 so you should be ready to harvest.

The nugs look pretty done to me.

So id chop it, seperate the molded buds form not molded buds, then trim accordingly, making sure to wash scissors in between chopping non moldy and moldy

Then dry it all and hope the mold doesnt spread. Try water curing/washing the moldy buds after drying.


Active Member
They look finished and ready to enjoy. My WW is @65 12/12 and she will go another week . One thing I have noted from a sample bud taken @ day 60 is that White Label WW is much different, at least for now, than Female Seeds. I guess I am used to the WW from Female Seeds and have really liked it in the past. The sample nug from White Label WW in my grow , is smooth and fruity. Not the same lung expansion as with the Female Seeds. I loved WW before for that lung filling experience and then the exhale was wicked. Not with White Label and the bud was taken @ day 60, so should have been close if not at optimal ripeness. Will the next two weeks change the potency ?......I want to say yes but time will tell ..


Well-Known Member
I cut one healthy bud which you can see in picture 3 days ago, but now it is start smell like hay? Does it mean that it is cut to early?

But is it worth it to wait 2 weeks if my temperature is low all the time, do you think anything will change?


Well-Known Member
It depends on how much the PM has spread. Ive heard water curing is a good way to salvage moldy bud but if it starts rotting its on its way out.

If the PM takes over more than 25% id cut it ASAP.

WW is supposedly good, depending on breeder/cut, by week 9 so you should be ready to harvest.

The nugs look pretty done to me.

So id chop it, seperate the molded buds form not molded buds, then trim accordingly, making sure to wash scissors in between chopping non moldy and moldy

Then dry it all and hope the mold doesnt spread. Try water curing/washing the moldy buds after drying.
Wash them after drying or before drying, isn't you think it is better to cut them down, wash, and then dry?


Well-Known Member
well washing and water curing are 2 different things. Washing is like what jorge did. Water curing is leaving the buds in just water like that tub completely submerged and replacing the water every day or so. This is dont after drying. the washing would be done before drying.

So if youre really worried, cut em down, then wash em like jorge did, then dry em, then water cure em, then dry them again, then regular cure them.

The regular cure wont be super necessary but dont dry them out too fast.

As for the bud smelling like hay that just means its drying and it will start to smellbetter soon. Probably needs another 3-5 days depending on your humidity.


Well-Known Member
well washing and water curing are 2 different things. Washing is like what jorge did. Water curing is leaving the buds in just water like that tub completely submerged and replacing the water every day or so. This is dont after drying. the washing would be done before drying.

So if youre really worried, cut em down, then wash em like jorge did, then dry em, then water cure em, then dry them again, then regular cure them.

The regular cure wont be super necessary but dont dry them out too fast.

As for the bud smelling like hay that just means its drying and it will start to smellbetter soon. Probably needs another 3-5 days depending on your humidity.
Can you please explain step by step about water curing, how long, what is the point, and hot to know it is done and you can put them to dry...