Maybe I'm paranoid, but the September 11th 10 year anniversary is coming up.


Well-Known Member
I just got done smoking a bowl of hash, and It was awesome. My mind started to wonder and I thought "hey sept 11th 10 year anniversary is coming up." I know fuckin Al-qaeda are sick enough to fuck with us, and they would do it on a important date with significance. Or maybe I really am just being too paranoid. In any case, I sure am glad I bought my first gun recently a Beretta px4 storm. I know it wouldn't save me from a plane, but at least it brings me peace of mind.


Well-Known Member
k well, you need to stop and think.... think a little harder than that because we've had 9, 1 year anniversaries go by in the past 9 years and they haven't done anything during any of those 9 years since the 9/11/2001 attacks.

They're not in any rush to retaliate against the U.S. - They're taking their time.. and I think the next (if there is one.. which there will be another one eventually) time that they do execute a terror attack on American soil.. I think it will be a much bigger event/attack than the 9/11 attacks. From what I've heard from my uncle.. who happens to work for a certain government agency.. he's told me bits and pieces about how the terrorists are more than likely planning some kind of biological attack or some kind of "nuclear" attack. More than likely, it will be a biological attack.. according to my uncle.

I've been told things that I can't repeat to ANYONE. Not even my family..

and trust me, if I were to tell ANYONE, including any of my family members.. heh, trust me.. the government would know and would take appropriate actions against me. Meaning, I would more than likely just disappear one day and never be seen again. I would simply vanish.. and that's no joke my friend.

but yeah, don't worry man.. their won't be any new attacks for a few years at least. I put everything I own on that statement.. ;)

Also, you have to remember.. that our kick ass 'SEAL TEAM #6' located and killed/executed Osama Bin Laden here fairly recently. Therefore, that event put the terrorist group into a head-spin, so to speak because they're beloved "leader" is now dead. Now, granted they do have a new "leader".. but, it takes them years and years of planning and testing of the American security system.. before they actually attack. They take years and years of testing and probing the United States security network/system.. to find holes in the system.. to where they can properly execute a terror attack on us.

I think it took like at least 15 years of planning/testing by Osama and his terror network... before they were able to successfully execute their 9/11 attack on American soil..

anywho, I don't/can't get into specifics.. but yeah, there's no attacks coming to the U.S.A. any time soon.




Well-Known Member
Those that live in the country or rural areas probably dont need to worry much. I live in the city though. Kinda sucks, I wish I had 10 acres in the middle of nowhere. Preferably outside the USA. canada, new zealand, australia. what a dream.