Maybe it's the tap water!!!


Active Member
I have to be doing something wrong, the freaking PH keep going up everyday WITHOUT ANY NUTRIENTS IN THE TAP WATER IN THE RESERVOIR (i am testing the as of right now).

Ok so I'll set the PH at night to 5.5, I'll wake up the next day and it's 6.5. WTF!
I'll change it again and the same thing keeps happening, I cleaned the room 3 times it can't get any cleaner. I thought that maybe the room was dirty that's why the PH keep F***ing up, but I cleaned it to no avail. I'm getting soooo frustrated with this F***ing PH crap, my question is this is the PH supposed to climp like that without any nutrients in the tap water or is there something going horribly wrong? Do you guys have to reset the PH every freaking day? If so there has to be a better and more reliable way.... Any input would be great. Thx!!!

Ps. I'm using hydro/ebb and flow. Thx again!!!


Active Member
how do you know it's not your meter ?
I purchesded a digital meter and general hydroponic's ph control ket, so I would take the meter reading and I would double check with the ph control ket. The color of the test would reflect the the same reading as the meter, and would also check twice when the meter says it had went up and the test would reflect the same as the meter.

Ps. The meter was collaborated with the 7.0 buffer solution.
If you're saying that your tap water is RO'd, or distilled this is normal.

There is not enough minerals in the water to stabilize the PH, so it'll drift.

That is okay though cause it'll take on the PH of the soil barring anything added.

Just remember to nute though cause this water supplies very nil for nutrients.


Well-Known Member
I purchesded a digital meter and general hydroponic's ph control ket, so I would take the meter reading and I would double check with the ph control ket. The color of the test would reflect the the same reading as the meter, and would also check twice when the meter says it had went up and the test would reflect the same as the meter.

Ps. The meter was collaborated with the 7.0 buffer solution.

Depending on Brand or money spent some don't stay callibrated to long. (a month ?) Sounds like Grass Monkey is on to something though. :lol:


Active Member
If you're saying that your tap water is RO'd, or distilled this is normal.

There is not enough minerals in the water to stabilize the PH, so it'll drift.

That is okay though cause it'll take on the PH of the soil barring anything added.

Just remember to nute though cause this water supplies very nil for nutrients.
Thanks man you just gave me my answer, this is normal and I should check it everyday.