Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

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Well-Known Member
This guy does nothing but spam message boards, then argue with everyone that disagrees. In addition to our beloved cannabis forum, he posts on white supremacy boards (, new age boards (, martial arts boards, and many political one.
I counted no less than 20 different boards he has spammed with this crap. I bet like here, he is not a contributing member of those message boards but merely uses them to post his garbage. Seriously, what a sad life this guy must lead, spending all day defending a lame hypothesis with strangers and no one taking him seriously. He must be an extremely lonely man.


Active Member
This guy does nothing but spam message boards, then argue with everyone that disagrees. In addition to our beloved cannabis forum, he posts on white supremacy boards (, new age boards (, martial arts boards, and many political one.
I counted no less than 20 different boards he has spammed with this crap. I bet like here, he is not a contributing member of those message boards but merely uses them to post his garbage. Seriously, what a sad life this guy must lead, spending all day defending a lame hypothesis with strangers and no one taking him seriously. He must be an extremely lonely man.
You never challenged anything I posted and never proved anything to the contrary.


Active Member
The Muzzle blast you dip shit, WHERE THE FUCK IS THE MUZZLE BLAST???
I can change the subject just lik you delusionals.LOL Where's Greer hand at 304? It's going over his shoulder in the nix film. THE FILM WAS ALTERED AND THAT WAS PROVEN 1.5 years ago.


Active Member
I don't recall telling you that you were wrong. Could be the delusions or hallucinations. I have addressed your evidence. I said that I could see NO gun in any frame of the film you are presenting. I didn't say it wasn't there (personally, I don't believe it is). I am allowed to voice my opinion ya know? You're so quick to get all defensive that you obviously don't read the entire post. Are you just hoping for a confrontation? :roll:

You seriously entertain me. One bit of advice though. Could you make your posts a little bit more outrageous and insulting. You called me a "tool" which is pretty lame. I was hoping for something a little saltier. :mrgreen:
I have mocked you over and over, so I am reading your silly posts.


Active Member
This guy does nothing but spam message boards, then argue with everyone that disagrees. In addition to our beloved cannabis forum, he posts on white supremacy boards (, new age boards (, martial arts boards, and many political one.
I counted no less than 20 different boards he has spammed with this crap. I bet like here, he is not a contributing member of those message boards but merely uses them to post his garbage. Seriously, what a sad life this guy must lead, spending all day defending a lame hypothesis with strangers and no one taking him seriously. He must be an extremely lonely man.
I started posting to alot of forums a few months ago when I got the close-up of Greer's left arm crossing. That nails it down and proves film alteration to a point of no refutation. Put it this way. If I was wrong about anything, it would've been challenged and picked apart piece by piece but my evidence is mostly visual so foolish people who don't want the obvious to be true, must deny seeing what they are seeing. There is no defense against Greer as the shooter...none.


Well-Known Member
I have mocked you over and over, so I am reading your silly posts.
I see. So that's all it's really about for you isn't it? Mocking people that is. Got it!;-)

It's not really nice to make fun of the mentally retarded so I won't be responding to anymore of your posts. Have fun trolling message boards. :finger:


Well-Known Member
This guy does nothing but spam message boards, then argue with everyone that disagrees. In addition to our beloved cannabis forum, he posts on white supremacy boards (, new age boards (, martial arts boards, and many political one.
I counted no less than 20 different boards he has spammed with this crap. I bet like here, he is not a contributing member of those message boards but merely uses them to post his garbage. Seriously, what a sad life this guy must lead, spending all day defending a lame hypothesis with strangers and no one taking him seriously. He must be an extremely lonely man.
I checked those links and couldn't find a single post that agrees with any of 7forever's assertions. Not one! But we are the delusional ones???? lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!! :dunce:

Extremely lonely indeed.:cry:


New Member
do you not get it yet

I started posting to alot of forums a few months ago when I got the close-up of Greer's left arm crossing. That nails it down and proves film alteration to a point of no refutation. Put it this way. If I was wrong about anything, it would've been challenged and picked apart piece by piece but my evidence is mostly visual so foolish people who don't want the obvious to be true, must deny seeing what they are seeing. There is no defense against Greer as the shooter...none.


Active Member
I see. So that's all it's really about for you isn't it? Mocking people that is. Got it!;-)

It's not really nice to make fun of the mentally retarded so I won't be responding to anymore of your posts. Have fun trolling message boards. :finger:
So that's all it's really about for you isn't it? Posting denials of fact and never sharing what you think happened and of course never quoting any of my posts with a challenge.

It's not really nice to make fun of the mentally retarded but I will mock you some more, if you like.


New Member
you r the only one we see being retarded u must sit at your computer all day eagerly awaiting a bite on your troll thread
for real dude u need to get off the computer and get out more

So that's all it's really about for you isn't it? Posting denials of fact and never sharing what you think happened and of course never quoting any of my posts with a challenge.

It's not really nice to make fun of the mentally retarded but I will mock you some more, if you like.


Active Member
I checked those links and couldn't find a single post that agrees with any of 7forever's assertions. Not one! But we are the delusional ones???? lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!! :dunce:

Extremely lonely indeed.:cry:
People are in denial and I've posted to only forums where people have their minds made up but nobody challenged my work, that's the point. You kooks are saying a blue sky is black. In the real world you would never show your face to a debate because you'd be screwed.


Well-Known Member
So that's all it's really about for you isn't it? Posting denials of fact and never sharing what you think happened and of course never quoting any of my posts with a challenge.

It's not really nice to make fun of the mentally retarded but I will mock you some more, if you like.
Hahahahaha!!!!!!!! You can't even come up with your own replies so you just add a few choice words to my posts and think you are somehow insulting me?????? Get real! I haven't really posted any denials. You just don't get it. I did share what I think happened. I think Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy with an Italian made Carcano rifle. I won't debate who was pulling his strings but I'm pretty sure it was him. I also have addressed your posts by saying I can't see a gun in any of the frames of any of your videos!

Is that big enough for you to read ya knob jockey? :-P


New Member
i will post where ever the fuck i want what u going to do about
and i noticed u dont give a fuck that u r wrong
wtf is your purpose here no one agrees with u do u think u can just keep on till everyone say u r right just so u will shut the fuck up
sorry wont happen

Then, kindly don't post to this thread. DO YOU NOT GET IT? I don't give a fuck that you don't give a fuck.LOL


Active Member
you r the only one we see being retarded u must sit at your computer all day eagerly awaiting a bite on your troll thread
for real dude u need to get off the computer and get out more
What have I posted that can be debunked or even challenged? There is nothing. People have only said I am wrong which of course is false because If i was, my work would be ripped apart.


New Member
i call bullshit i seen they gave u a thrashing just like here
please they all said u r full of shit
trying to tell us they didnt challenge u they buttraped u troll

People are in denial and I've posted to only forums where people have their minds made up but nobody challenged my work, that's the point. You kooks are saying a blue sky is black. In the real world you would never show your face to a debate because you'd be screwed.


Active Member
Hahahahaha!!!!!!!! You can't even come up with your own replies so you just add a few choice words to my posts and think you are somehow insulting me?????? Get real! I haven't really posted any denials. You just don't get it. I did share what I think happened. I think Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy with an Italian made Carcano rifle. I won't debate who was pulling his strings but I'm pretty sure it was him. I also have addressed your posts by saying I can't see a gun in any of the frames of any of your videos!

Is that big enough for you to read ya knob jockey? :-P
you do see at least an object he's passing in the frames of the videos!

Is that big enough for you to read ya knob jockey
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