Maybe's Grow with pics.


Well-Known Member
This is my first time growing indoors, so I wanted it to be done the right way. I did a bunch of research as to how to do it and what is the best method for growing with my current place of residence.

Thank you Stinkbud for the greatest DIY setup. Thanks again and I will always pass the love on!

So after a trip to Toronto I was able to get some good seeds. Clones are hard to come by in my area so I was forced to go with seeds. I got Nirvana's ICE strain. I have smoked it before and I loved the high I got so I wanted these seeds.

So I started out with getting a SunBlaze HOt5 2ft 4 bulb system. This is going to be used for clones. This works just as well to grow anything. I got a propagation setup with a heat pad. I have gotten seeds to sprout in as little as 28 hours. I used rapid rooter plugs and kept the RH around 70% the whole time keeping the vents closed on the dome.

One thing I can say is that once they get so big maybe after 5 days you need to get them transplanted to a new pot other wise they will only get so big. I learned this the hard way. So I wanted to move them but there was a mix up with the timer so I had to wait 5 days for it.

These picture were taken just before I moved them into the cloner rapidrooter plugs and all

This is a picture of a few days later once I moved them into the cloner.

this was about 4 days after

Then . . .

Then it just took off like a rocket!!!

more to come in a few mins!


Well-Known Member
In the clone machine are a few of what I can't get into the flower machine. Once I get some females I will be able to have a more control grow going. I made adjustments to stinkbuds setup to fit a 4x4 size room. ( remove 8 1/2 inches from the cross members.)

temp looks good :peace:

Here is the over view

I used the fasteners to make sure there is not sliding

some roots already poking out and only in for 28 hours and that had the shortest root system of all of them.

Close up of a random bag seed, looks healthy too me

One of the ICE plants bright green looking

More to come in the morning hoping the left side look less saggy plus they are all random bag seed on that side.

Feel free to leave comments and any questions. Thanks :peace:


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
Day 35

So yesterday was a trimming session with all the plants on the flower unit. This was done because of the over growth of the fan leaves. I did a earlier test at day 30 removing the fan leaves of the 8 plants still in the veg unit. I took of the bottom two nodes fan leaves. Leaving the branch on both sides. Over the last 5 days I have seen these branch grow huge, produce 5-7 mini leaves each branch. They are starting to shoot up towards the light thus bring another bud site. This is the only trimming I will be doing. I will start flowering in a week so that they can recover from the loss of the huge fan leaves. I leave the top 2-3 nod fan leaves cause I will be able to tie them off when flowering starts. This is no order to the pictures just took some to show how they are looking. You can see the more leaves are going t get light cause the lower fan leaves are gone. Some of them had some nute burn from earlier in life.



very nice grow you got going there bud, ill be checking up to see how these beauties mature, keep up the good work. btw your setup looks pretty pro for your first indoor grow


Well-Known Member
very nice grow you got going there bud, ill be checking up to see how these beauties mature, keep up the good work. btw your setup looks pretty pro for your first indoor grow
Thank You! I have to thank StinkBud for his teachings. It just takes a good teacher and overcoming the start-up costs. This is a small trail session of Stinks system to make sure it can work on a larger scale. I plan on having a flower room 10'x12'x8'. This will happen after this grow just need the clones to make it happen. Working with one known Strain Nirvana ICE. Wish someone on here had grown it but I was unable to find anything. Need to flower cause I'm gonna soon run out of height. Also trying topping meathods right now to see how things turn out.

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
10x12x8 zorks that is going to hold a hell of a lot of plants.
Your plants look really healthy.


Well-Known Member
This is my first indoor setup. I wanted to make sure I didn't half ass it. I have drop a large sum of money to get here. Only missing co2, and a true exhaust system ( I'm in the basement so fresh cold air is always there ) I will get there before the next harvest. I will have some updated pictures, this would be three days after removing 2/3 fan leaves to let more light to the bottom. 5 days to go until I start my flowering. Changing rez's today because they are both low. Flower unit used 8 gallon of water in a week, and the veg unit is going through a gallon every three days. Seting flower unit to 1600ppm and leaving veg on 1200ppm this should be good. Picture will be here shortly.


Well-Known Member seem to have it dialed in pretty good so far. Looks like another StinkBud Buddy to keep an eye on.:hug:

This is my first indoor setup. I wanted to make sure I didn't half ass it. I have drop a large sum of money to get here. Only missing co2, and a true exhaust system ( I'm in the basement so fresh cold air is always there ) I will get there before the next harvest. I will have some updated pictures, this would be three days after removing 2/3 fan leaves to let more light to the bottom. 5 days to go until I start my flowering. Changing rez's today because they are both low. Flower unit used 8 gallon of water in a week, and the veg unit is going through a gallon every three days. Seting flower unit to 1600ppm and leaving veg on 1200ppm this should be good. Picture will be here shortly.


Well-Known Member
Thank You I'm trying to get everything needed and dialed in at the same time as I go.

Here are some eye candy.

The first picture is before I changed the ppm to 1600, they were put in at 1250 and then were down to 1100 over a week and half.

The second picture is taken 2 days later when the ppms are at 1600. They are just going nuts, once sex is determined I will bump it up to 2000ppm and then we will se what we have.

Third picture is my over grown veg box. All of these have been trimmed and what you see is only 2-3 sets of top fan leaves. The rest is just the lower branches with leaves all over the place. Some where in the jungle is 14 smaller plants growing under everything. Just waiting to sex the plants before I start my Scrog or just Mass tie down ( my own spider web ) well up!

Second Pic is 2 days later as well with the nutes at 1400 ppm. My thinking is if the 14 odd ball plants take a dump or burn out then I have some room for clones.

Next picture is showing how healthy the plants are growing. My temps are stable at 74 degrees and at night I have let it get to 65 to start the coming of fall in the grow room. My Sun blaze turns on 10 mins before my MH. Gonna see if I can act like the sun lol! can't hurt

whats wrong with it? its growing slowly I topped it cause I wasn't sure if I was gonna pull it or wait to see what it is.

Picture of how my rez is kinda setup. removing the 8 and 1/2 inches lets you put it in a 4x4ft room. same system just better space management IMO. . .But stinks Original is still the best!



Well-Known Member
Day 11 of flowering

So it been some time since my last update but I ended up with 10 females and the rest were males.

I have 5 ICE females and 5 Random bagseed.

These picture show the new grow room and the cloning and veg room. Right now there is a 600watt hortilux HPS (88,000 lumen's) which is all the way to the rasied so some bending is gonna be in my future.



Well-Known Member
Welcome back, it's been awhile.
Op is looking good!!!
Thanks kinda sucks to have to spend 5 weeks just to get this far to get clones but I have learned alot over this little amount of time.

Here are some more pictures of the plants. This is the true starting stages of flowering. The first picture is that of a bagseed I have a number system that I will post the spreed sheet with all the plants and how this grow is going. The second one is a ice plant and the third one is as well. There is also a picture of my clones just taken to day. Wanting to make sure that they are going to be alright. I have 5 gallons of water with 170mL of clonex solution to see how it goes. I also have a clone taken 3 days ago and tossed in the veg that is still alive and groing I will get a pic of that tomorrow when I get some batterys.



Well-Known Member
Some more pics as I learn how to take some bud porn pics. wondering if these flowers are small for the age of a 2 1/2 weeks old. The full picture of a plant is the ICE plant. I will be cloning these and running just the ICE in the third batch and on since they are just such good looking plants. I really wondering if these are looking good, any kind of advice would be great. There is also a picture of one of my bag seeds happen to reach the light and got some burn spots on it.

