Mayweather vs. McGregor

Whomever beat your life down so bad that you became a fascist internet tough guy troll.
Would love to meet up for a beer, you seem like the sort of bloke that would say the same shit to me face, that you feel brave enough to say online. better not make it real beer, that American crap will do, that other shit would be way to strong for a girlyman like you
Honestly, McGregor is no match for Mayweather. Floyd is the world boxing champion and is undefeated. I don't like him, but who would win if Floyd faced McGregor in UFC? Obviously Mcgregor. This is the same. It is Mayweather's territory.

Mcgregor should be very happy if he is able to withstand all rounds and don't get knocked down. Floyd is old, so he has a chance to connect a miracle punch and win, but it is damn near impossible.

Unless there is something fishy involved which is possible, Floyd will destroy McGregor or he will just make him play his game.
Simple facts. Its boxing, so obviously Mayweather would win. If it was a FIGHT no fucken chance of Mayweather lasting 30 seconds. And thats being EXTREMELY generous
maybe it's cause i'm an MMA fan (not been into boxing for years) but that stoppage seemed a bit quick. Connor wasn't done yet.
decent fight though, Connor shocked a lot of people. i was tossed up at first if Floyd was rope-a-doping him, but i think Connor was getting him.
man, $60,000 a second.. insane. enjoy your retirement Floyd.
maybe it's cause i'm an MMA fan (not been into boxing for years) but that stoppage seemed a bit quick. Connor wasn't done yet.
decent fight though, Connor shocked a lot of people. i was tossed up at first if Floyd was rope-a-doping him, but i think Connor was getting him.
man, $60,000 a second.. insane. enjoy your retirement Floyd.

Mc Cracker played totally into FM's hands. He was outclassed, out fought, and fucking pummeled. If ref didnt stop fight that potato headed braggart would've been mashed.

Toss up at first? No. CM needed to inflict fear and damage in the first three rounds. Instead he wore himself down and landed shit. The story that McGregor did well for three rounds or four is a laughable fiction. He was bordeline competitive when he needed to be taking care of biz.

I agree with you on the crazy money, INSANE>
conditioning did him in....

Mayweather knows that in a real fight,.................he'd get his ass kicked lol
and 30 seconds is generous!

how is he not conditioned bro he's the cream of mma, FM is an old out of retirement dude.

Lack of skill, athleticism, poor strategy and overconfidence did him in. he was outclassed across the board
"real fight" like mortal combat? GTFOH FM is 50/0, fucking clown