mazar basement grow

what do you think the final yield will be

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you should be fine as long as you dont run other appliances. Top power ones are washer/dryer stove and dishwasher.
I think you could get away with two or three more lights. i wouldnt exceed 6kw range in the flowering room.
how does ur veg room take 1kw?
the veg room only has 4 fluorescent lights two are just 26 watt


Well-Known Member
the veg room only has 4 fluorescent lights two are just 26 watt
Yea you could get away with 6 lights in the flowering room and 1kw in the veg.
I use MH bulbs untill the stretch is over then i switch to hps.
MH makes your plants stocky. I would advise for u to put a 400 mh in your veg room and ditch the floros. Then have 4 1000watts in the flowering room. That should bring you to about 60-70 kws a day


Yea you could get away with 6 lights in the flowering room and 1kw in the veg.
I use MH bulbs untill the stretch is over then i switch to hps.
MH makes your plants stocky. I would advise for u to put a 400 mh in your veg room and ditch the floros. Then have 4 1000watts in the flowering room. That should bring you to about 60-70 kws a day
thx soooo much for the advice smiley i hope you stick around.


looks good. how many weeks?
what have u done for mites? do you spray?
today is day 26 of flower. there are some that are taller than others but the average height is about 27inches. i haven't been using any sprays because i dont see any pest damage. although i bought this stuff called "defender" its suppose to be all natural but i havent used it.

These are two pics of one plant.



Np, what is your average temp and humidity?
i havent got my thermostat yet so while the lights are on its roughly 23 24 celcius and about 19 when off. my humidity is like a rollercoaster sometimes its at 50% and then after a feeding it can shoot up to 90%. i think i need to get a dehumidifier and hook it up to a thermostat.


I have a question??? will it hurt my girls to switch to a completley different bloom nutrients. i dont want to use the powder from advanced nute's anymore.??


i was using carboload and big bud (both powder) from advanced nutes along with "power flower" from botincare which is a liquid. I want to go with all liquid. The hydroponic store that is close to me does not carry any of advanced nute's products they have like canna and a few others. ( You could check out what they have at Please guys i need your input on this one. the guy at the thc store dosent really answer my questions he talks to me like im a cop. so i have to go there tommorow and basically just pick one that looks the coolest. Thx in advance


Well-Known Member
Wow, surprized you haven't recieved an answer on that yet. Did you switch the nutes?? I am not sure if that's a good thing or not, or I'd say. I think one concern is that your in soil and you'd have to flush it very well---thinking that different companies set up the nutes differently and that if you just switch that may cause too much of something or not enough. I know there's lots of growers here that know their nutes real well and hopefully this bump will get one of them out:bigjoint:

Your grow is looking awesome and quite impressive----I cant wait to hear how much you get on this first crop.

Oh, are you going to be using Canna on your future grows?? I use them only since I switched to hydro and they are excellent nutes, imo. I use the Boost and have noticed a good 15-20% increase in final weight. The PK13/14........risky stuff to use as you really need to pin down the days it's needed by the plants, but it's another good 20%.........but can cause big probs if not used as they say----info here at riu too. Cannazyme and the Rhizo are the best, again, imo.

Keep up the great work!! I know your having fun!bongsmilie



thanks alot bro. sorry for taking so long to reply. I have been soooo busy remodeling my grow room. I have been working on it for like 5 days straight i cant wait until you guys see it I think you all will be impressed. I bought a ton of drywall and made a real room in the basement it is 17x12x 9 for a total of 204 sq feet. I went to the hydro store and i actually ended up sticking with advanced nutes. I told the dude at the store that my girls were still pretty much green and he told me to just give them the big bud and carboload only. now i know that these are only addatives so shouldn't i be still using a base??? so im taking his word and just using the two powders with every watering. He told me for my next crop i should go with canna and he would take me through the steps. (it wasnt the guy that treats me like a cop) But it would be great if you could stay subscribed and gave me some tips seeing as you used it before with good results.


Sorry guys im back i will upload pictures when the lights come on in the am. The girls arent so green anymore about 4 or 5 of them are almost 30% yellow and the rest are just starting to yellow at the bottoms. They have got so big in the last week, some of the brances have big buds that look like colas. they are going to be my biggest plants by far. The hairs are also turning amber and are smelling so sweet. My 1k light will be here on friday so hopefully that will boost my yield.


Well-Known Member
sorry my dude i havent been on for a while...if u want to switch bloom nute or even veg nute u just have to make sure that ur npk and micros are balanced....ex. lets say gh nutes has bloom micrp veg and so does advanced nutes, u would have to make sure that theres nothing in the nute ur replacing that isnt in the new nutes just so that the balance of elements is right..if i had to i would use a complete line of nute at a time if ur going to switch then switch all of them to the same brand...its just less variables to fuck ur garden up


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys im back i will upload pictures when the lights come on in the am. The girls arent so green anymore about 4 or 5 of them are almost 30% yellow and the rest are just starting to yellow at the bottoms. They have got so big in the last week, some of the brances have big buds that look like colas. they are going to be my biggest plants by far. The hairs are also turning amber and are smelling so sweet. My 1k light will be here on friday so hopefully that will boost my yield.
dude add some veg nutes...for ur next watering water then as if they were in full will not affect yeild but if u drop those fan leaves off it will affest yeild for sure

my rule #1 keep the fan leaves green as long as possible


sorry for the delay guys my girlfriend brought our camera to cuba. I bought another 1000 w hps and i put the 400 watt inside the veg room so the flower room is at 3000 watts so far. So heres some pics of the new room.

