Mazar or Blueberry?


Well-Known Member
Let me know your thoughts:



I've got pretty much everything I need to grow except the strain of seed. Give me your opinion about what you think I should get.


Just some idiot
It's tough to tell you what to grow. I would go with some Blue Berry but that is just my personal preference.


Well-Known Member
im not sure either but i am sure that when videoman finds this post he will say mazar cuz he has grown it so if you are thinking mazar i would message him.


Well-Known Member
:weed:I've grown Mazar and Blueberry ... the BB I had ... got it from Canadian breeder ... didn't have a good buzz but had decent blueberry flavor ... the Mazar didn't live up to it rep as far as I'm concern ... plus the taste wasn't sweet ... so if I could get a blueberry with the taste and good buzz I would take that over Mazar ...

... now bear in mind I love sweet tasting and smelling weed ...


Well-Known Member
if you hear of people telling you mazar wasnt good... dont beleive them... they probably dont know how to grow!!!! ive grown fruity thai, whitesmurf, buddha sister, and Kahuna... one day my friend at the growshop tells me he had mazar clones.. i took 3 flowerd 2 and kept one mother.... I had spider mites and fuzzy mildew on my white smurf... but the mazar resisted it all.. on top of that Amnesia has become a new standard here in belgium and holland, but takes 13 or more weeks to flower properly... mazar gives off the same scent as amnesia... gives a bigger harvest, is muuuuch easier to grow AND takes only 7-8 weeks to finish...
with co2 capsules i harvested the last ones in 7 weeks!!! in soil ....
Ill post some pictures actually... i now got rid of everything else im growing but the mazar.... I say... u want easy to grow, high harvest, strong high, overall the bomb ass shizzle hehehe DO MAZAR but get the real seeds.....
peace out


Well-Known Member
Its hard to get he real good blueberry the mazar is to quality

My next small grow will be sky walker ive 5 seeds waitn to be poped


Active Member
if you hear of people telling you mazar wasnt good... dont beleive them... they probably dont know how to grow!!!! ive grown fruity thai, whitesmurf, buddha sister, and Kahuna... one day my friend at the growshop tells me he had mazar clones.. i took 3 flowerd 2 and kept one mother.... I had spider mites and fuzzy mildew on my white smurf... but the mazar resisted it all.. on top of that Amnesia has become a new standard here in belgium and holland, but takes 13 or more weeks to flower properly... mazar gives off the same scent as amnesia... gives a bigger harvest, is muuuuch easier to grow AND takes only 7-8 weeks to finish...
with co2 capsules i harvested the last ones in 7 weeks!!! in soil ....
Ill post some pictures actually... i now got rid of everything else im growing but the mazar.... I say... u want easy to grow, high harvest, strong high, overall the bomb ass shizzle hehehe DO MAZAR but get the real seeds.....
peace out
I have some KAHUNA beans waiting to go,did you like this strain and how was the grow??gonna try mazar later.


Active Member
id go for B B every time mate. One of my worst memories was losing a B B i had goin for nearly 2 years, Sterdy little mutha she was.

Pesky cops! Cant have 2 many carbon filtas man!


Well-Known Member
Everyone should grow Blueberry once in their lives!

The taste and smell is beyond compare. There is a reason why it's been around for over 35 years!

Nice balanced Indica high. A little heavy on the smoke if you take too big of a hit. Vaporizing tastes best!

Downside is that it grows slow. You need to veg a LONG time to get a decent harvest. It is worth it though.

Good news is that it finishes very fast. This photos was taken this morning. The plant has been flowering for 6 weeks.

You should try Skywalker and let us know how you like it. I would love to have the taste of blueberry with the performance of my AK47.


Well-Known Member
My medical club has had clones of mazar for days. I order seeds only now. Im sick of my clones turning hermaphrodite. But from what ive read, dutch passions blueberry isnt all that. That fucking picture takes the cake though. Every time I visit Dr. chronic I have to look at the dutch passion seeds and get a look at that beautiful bud. Ive just read really bad reviews about it. I still want to grow some though.
Currently im on my first seed grow of dutch passion orange bud. But any info on DP blueberry would be appreciated. Also DP purple#1. anyone familiar with?