Mazar with weird spots, pests? Pics


Active Member
Hey guys first time poster, I got 9 mazar female clones grown indoors in their 4th\5th week of bloom(kind of lost count). Growing medium is basic soil mixed with clay pellets and plagron bio-mix. Watering schedule is kind of erratic though they dont suffer, let them dry out from time to time. Usually followed by an abundance of water.

I've had earlier bouts with pests in the growroom, though I thought I had gotten rid of them. Since I got up a harvest showing no signs infestation. I've seen some little flies spring back up the last two weeks, not many 2 or 3. I'm just really waiting for these babies to finish so i can go down to cleaning the room. Are the spots\flies anything to worry about this late in bloom, im rather inclined to leave them as is than try and to do anything this late in bloom opinions?




Well-Known Member
I'd say those are spider mites, look on the underside of the leaf to see if there are any small white bugs crawling around. Usually neemoil is the way to go but it is bitter tasting and could ruin your harvest. I've had spidermites decimate my 3 tomato plants that were 6 feet tall in 5 weeks. I would say tough it out, I'm not sure waht you can do a few weeks from harvest. Afterwards sterilize the entire room with a pyrenthin bomb or something like that


Active Member
ya i see them now small white f*ckers ruining my precious girls, should i trim off the most infected fan leaves?, i wouldnt have any problems with using neem oil as i ahev tried to searching for it around my area, maybe someone could dirrect me to site who sells to europe; or maybe a type of "home remedy" you might be interested- I thought id also clean out the room by using bleach to cleanign the room or walls floors ceiling. As i dont really wanna use any pesticides. Which is the better, this is only my 4th harvest but i only the second time ive experienced discoloration regarding the leaves. By the pictures shown though how would you classify the plants, do they look overall healthy or are they taking serious damage from the insects? thansk for all answers inadvance


Well-Known Member
Are you overfeeding... Are you checking soil runoff ph...

HPS lighted pictures mess up the color... At first glance i do not see this as caused by pets... Do you see any under the leaves now...

EDIT >>> Ok... Those are hard to kill from what i read on here... I think a bug bomb is your best solution...


Active Member
I dont really think i over feed, i give each plant a teaspoon or two of bio mix once every 1 1\2 - 2 weeks and i havent really noticed any problems regarding nutes and such, but im just a novice when it comes to growing. I use those litmus test papers for testing ph, they usually show ph from anywhere to 5.5 to 8. is this too much fluctuation? Am i stressing them? Temps are always around 25 and humidity 30-50%. Ive attached some more pictures of the undersides of the infected fanleaves and some indiviadual plant pics. do the plants look over all healthy?will i halt the advance of the mites if i caught of the most infected leaves?



Well-Known Member
Are you sure they are spider mite? If you can see them they may be Thribes instead. Fog the leafs with some water and see if there are any webs. Also, use your 420 scope to check them out. If you have Thribes then the adults will be hanging around the soil level, they are fast and don't fly off right away. they start by trying to run away (like haul ass) and then they fly. Adults are black and larvae are white and live on the underside of leafs where they move about rather slowly.

Can't help you with the spider mites, I haven't had them yet, thank God ;)

Good luck mate,


Well-Known Member
This pic def looks like a bug problem...

You can see they like the parts of the leaf that are near veins... More juices to feed on...

From what i hear about spider mites you have to kill them ALL if one or two are left they will start all over again... Go to your local hydro shop, greenhouse, hardware store (plant section) or wallmart and ask someone who knows what is the best product to kill all of the pests at once...

You can tell them you grow chilies or some other similar plant...

About PH... 8 is WAY to high... I like it (as do my plants) when it gets near or at 7... This goes both for your water before you put it in the soil and more importantly the water that runs out the bottom of the pot (runoff)... You should always aim to keep it at 6.5 without much flux for your water and your soil...

Green Monk

Active Member
I am also having a spider mite problem(very early stages)w/my mazar plants. am 1 week away from switching to 12/12, and have declared war. I just discovered them last night, about a week after my wife put an outdoor plant in my growroom because it needed more light >:( Anyway, i have to consalt the Cervantes bible today and will post what i find for you. for now though, try and get the temp. to 60-70 degrees, this will help slow their reproduction.


Active Member
Thanks for all the helpful advice guys. Cant really check and see if there are webs as they are sleeping right now, im leaning towards it being thrips as unity's description seems to be whats goin on here. The flies i have caught and killed were black and the white bugs on the underside were visible just had to strain my eyes real hard to see, i use tap water to water my plants and the ph is usually 6.5 ill try and keep the ph more balanced in the future as i know ive been kind of slacky in regards to that. 60-70F is well anyway what 18-20C? I've got a can of some organic insecticide laying around, should i use it, dont really want it affecting the quality of the overall product.