MS Can you clear up some possible misconceptions for me about reveging?
Fact or myth?
1) When you reveg and start the proccess again does that make that plant a 2 year old plant?
2) If I then clone that reveged plant does this mean I am starting with a 2 yr old plant? (since it doesn't have the same root system I feel like it's myth)
3) Do I then get that same potencey from the cloned plant as I do with that reveged plant?
sorry if this is weird sounding, but after a debate last night with some friends was curious? Thanks.
Hi jjmd,
About 2 years ago I got to know a guy who had just 2 plants, a Hindu Kush and an AK47, both of those plants were then over 5 years old! Both were flowered twice per year and allowed to reveg in between. Although they were in regular plastic 'buckets' the stems were as thick as small tree trunks. Those same 2 plants are STILL going and still producing incredible buds! I was amazed. He knew exactly what he was doing and would confidently trim back the roots after each harvest to encourage new root growth.
Many growers reveg just to keep a mother of a plant that has been proven to be a bit special, others reveg to reflower. if you cut a clone from a reveg mum its still just a new plant BUT it will have all of the characteristics of the mature mother plant, and that means stability of the genetics. I have NEVER seen a reveged plant 'hermie' or a clone taken from one, not ever.
So, I think in terms of the apple tree in my garden, she produces fruit each summer then revegges again during the following spring and produces more fruit the next year, and as shes a year more mature, thicker stems etc she produces increasingly higher yields each year (4 years now). Its the same with a cannabis reveg! Potency of the buds is just as good, some of the best bud I have smoked has come from mature revegged plants
OK, so now I have some bad news

On Saturday I was involved in an accident in my car, we were OK but police were called and an ambulance and I had to give a statement etc as is normal practice. Police offer tells me they will be intouch. As I already have one past offence on record related to 'cultivation' this spooks me and I decide to chop the reveg as she still carries some buds that smell VERY strongly....JUST IN CASE THEY CALL ROUND. Sad, but had to be done.
So, I'm down to just 'Delia' now

Plan now is to take cutings from her and continue growing this strain. Shes looking good so far and as soon as I can take 2 good cuts from her I'll flower her.
Here she is today, I have just this single little plant now, but I'm confident she will do well for me

Also a shot of some of the buds cut from her mother plant 'Aggie'.... got real taste this one and smells very fruity, I love it. I have enough Mazar bud to last me at least 3 months so I'm in no hurry with her.
Sorry for the long post, and so far the police have not called round, just a couple of phone calls

Cars a write off however.