McCain-Palin Put 'Country Last'

It is common knowledge that handicapped children receive a social security check. It's also common knowledge that the parents if the handicapped child receive a "caretakers" check. It is also common knowledge that pregnant teenagers receive welfare checks.

Prove that they aren't receiving that money.
It is common knowledge that handicapped children receive a social security check. It's also common knowledge that the parents if the handicapped child receive a "caretakers" check. It is also common knowledge that pregnant teenagers receive welfare checks. Prove that they aren't receiving that money.

Bullshit ... I'm not the one who made the assertion that the McCains and Palins are getting welfare checks. You made that assertion, so YOU prove it. Until you do, you are blowing nothing but steam out yer ass. After all, if you made the assertion, you must have had some basis for making the assertion, no? The statement that "everyone knows" isn't good enough, dear.

I didn't say McCain received anything. More of that selective reading comprehension Vi? I didn't say "everybody knows" I said it is common knowledge. That is not the same thing as "everybody knows". You just take what people say and turn it into what you want to think they said.

I said PALIN PALIN PALIN, you know the woman who charges her state budget for "travel expenses" when she's at home in her own house.

You know PALIN the woman who doesn't know what condoms are.

PALIN, the one who refused the bridge, after receiveing the money, but still built the road to the bridge that she refused.

PALIN the woman who compares herself to a dog but gets upset when she is compared to a pig.

PALIN the one who drags her handicapped child around as a campaign prop shaking nasty unwashed hands then sticking her own unwashed hands in her baby's mouth.

PALIN refuses to answer any questions that she has not yet rehearsed an answer for.

I think selective reading comprehension is a trait of the communist party.
^^^^ OK, typical smoke screen by a devout leftist. Again ... where is your proof that PALIN ... PALIN .... PALIN gets welfare checks. If it is indeed "common knowledge," then you should have much of a problem finding the proof, no?

Isn't Palin the Super Socialist in this election? I mean, her state government takes 75% of the profit from the oil companies and redistributes all that wealth to the citizens. That's not a chump-change percentage of profit to be redistributing either.

Think about if you were a business and for every 4 dollars of profit you made, the government came and took away three of them and gave them away to Eskimos. Well, that's her economic policy. That policy makes Obama look downright capitalist in comparison. So, all that Republican angst about the horrors of socialism, coming from the party that just nationalized our financial industries and which advocates taxing businesses 75% on their all rings hollow. It's kinda like Orson Welles at his fattest calling Lou Dobbs fat.
Isn't Palin the Super Socialist in this election? I mean, her state government takes 75% of the profit from the oil companies and redistributes all that wealth to the citizens. That's not a chump-change percentage of profit to be redistributing either.

OK, now its your turn to prove your assertion. Provide a link, please ... and no, articles from Daily Kos or MoveOn won't count. :lol:

Local News | Windfall tax lets Alaska rake in billions from Big Oil | Seattle Times Newspaper

Relevant quote: "ConocoPhillips said that in total, once royalty payments and other taxes are added in, the state captures about 75 percent of the value of a barrel."

Kapow. Talk about reaming business. That's actually a little different than the article I originally read (which was an AP story I think). In that one, the conclusion was that Alaska takes 75% of the PROFIT on a barrel of oil, not 75% of the VALUE of a barrel of oil. If the above story is the accurate one, then yikes, she's even worse than I thought.
like you said McCan't was a POW which means PRISONER of war. he's no hero the guys that went in to save him are the real heros.
Here's a link, since you can't seem to be able to figure out how to use google:

Local News | Windfall tax lets Alaska rake in billions from Big Oil | Seattle Times Newspaper

If you want more, find them yourself. The relevant quote is: "ConocoPhillips said that in total, once royalty payments and other taxes are added in, the state captures about 75 percent of the value of a barrel."

75% not just of the PROFIT on a barrel, but on the VALUE of a barrel. That's actually worse than I thought. That means if the oil is $80 a barrel, they take $60/barrel in taxes and royalties, and leave the oil companies $20/barrel -- which also has to cover the cost of actually extracting the oil. Not much profit there. Some of the oil companies are apparently contemplating just leaving because of those harsh taxes and royalties. If you're wondering why our gas is so expensive, maybe Alaska raping the oil companies is part of the reason. We're subsidizing Alaska every time we fill up at the pump, directly or indirectly. What do they call that? Something about a transfer of wealth, socialism, something like that.
Here's a link, since you can't seem to be able to figure out how to use google:

Local News | Windfall tax lets Alaska rake in billions from Big Oil | Seattle Times Newspaper

If you want more, find them yourself. The relevant quote is: "ConocoPhillips said that in total, once royalty payments and other taxes are added in, the state captures about 75 percent of the value of a barrel."

75% not just of the PROFIT on a barrel, but on the VALUE of a barrel. That's actually worse than I thought. That means if the oil is $80 a barrel, they take $60/barrel in taxes and royalties, and leave the oil companies $20/barrel -- which also has to cover the cost of actually extracting the oil. Not much profit there. Some of the oil companies are apparently contemplating just leaving because of those harsh taxes and royalties. If you're wondering why our gas is so expensive, maybe Alaska raping the oil companies is part of the reason. We're subsidizing Alaska every time we fill up at the pump, directly or indirectly. What do they call that? Something about a transfer of wealth, socialism, something like that.

Thanks for the info, Bong.

Now you see, you've made my point about lowering the overall corporation tax rates. We have the second highest corporate tax rates in the world ... and that's why corporations are leaving and taking our jobs overseas. And yet, the libbies continue to make the corporations out to be the bad guys, even though they provide the jobs. Looks like you should do what I'm gonna do ... and that's vote for McCain/Palin. Why not? O'Bama and the Dems want to rape the corporations even more. bongsmilie

Maybe if the Ceo's and corporate officers didn't take millions per year in salaries the aforementioned companies could afford to pay their taxes. I don't see where a family living just above the poverty line should pay more taxes so corporate fat cats can collect millions in personal salary each year. It is a crock of shit.

Now I know the argument is going to be "salaries should not be limited" but when a CEO is raking in millions and is paying their employess mimimun wage isn't that a prime example of salaries being limited? If a family is making under $30,000 / year and has their taxes raised to preserve these corporate salaries that is a huge salary limitation.

Thanks for the info, Bong.

Now you see, you've made my point about lowering the overall corporation tax rates. We have the second highest corporate tax rates in the world ... and that's why corporations are leaving and taking our jobs overseas. And yet, the libbies continue to make the corporations out to be the bad guys, even though they provide the jobs. Looks like you should do what I'm gonna do ... and that's vote for McCain/Palin. Why not? O'Bama and the Dems want to rape the corporations even more. bongsmilie

We have a high BASE rate. But again, very few ever pay that. Most business pay a 0% rate, because of loopholes and deductions. I ran my own business for about a decade and paid no corporate taxes. It didn't even look like I'd pay any corporate taxes even if I made five million a year gross profits. (Which I didn't, but I could extrapolate out easily enough.) Most businesses, and particularly SMALL businesses, pay no corporate taxes, and if they do, then they're a few eggs short of a carton.

Nevertheless, a 75% tax on profits, even for oil companies, seems excessive, and that cost is just passed along to all of us, then Alaskans get a check each year...which is basically our money, from spending it at the pump. I'm a reasonable guy. I don't want people taxed more than is necesssary to get our bills paid. A $10 trillion debt isn't going to go away easily. But 75%, that's just going too far. Don't let Palin near anything that has anything to do with businesses.