New Member
Look it up yourself. You are the fact man and know everything.
It is common knowledge that handicapped children receive a social security check. It's also common knowledge that the parents if the handicapped child receive a "caretakers" check. It is also common knowledge that pregnant teenagers receive welfare checks. Prove that they aren't receiving that money.
Isn't Palin the Super Socialist in this election? I mean, her state government takes 75% of the profit from the oil companies and redistributes all that wealth to the citizens. That's not a chump-change percentage of profit to be redistributing either.
Is Ann Coulter acceptable?
who went to save him?..........I think your thinking of a Chuck Norris movie lollike you said McCan't was a POW which means PRISONER of war. he's no hero the guys that went in to save him are the real heros.
Here's a link, since you can't seem to be able to figure out how to use google:
Local News | Windfall tax lets Alaska rake in billions from Big Oil | Seattle Times Newspaper
If you want more, find them yourself. The relevant quote is: "ConocoPhillips said that in total, once royalty payments and other taxes are added in, the state captures about 75 percent of the value of a barrel."
75% not just of the PROFIT on a barrel, but on the VALUE of a barrel. That's actually worse than I thought. That means if the oil is $80 a barrel, they take $60/barrel in taxes and royalties, and leave the oil companies $20/barrel -- which also has to cover the cost of actually extracting the oil. Not much profit there. Some of the oil companies are apparently contemplating just leaving because of those harsh taxes and royalties. If you're wondering why our gas is so expensive, maybe Alaska raping the oil companies is part of the reason. We're subsidizing Alaska every time we fill up at the pump, directly or indirectly. What do they call that? Something about a transfer of wealth, socialism, something like that.
Thanks for the info, Bong.
Now you see, you've made my point about lowering the overall corporation tax rates. We have the second highest corporate tax rates in the world ... and that's why corporations are leaving and taking our jobs overseas. And yet, the libbies continue to make the corporations out to be the bad guys, even though they provide the jobs. Looks like you should do what I'm gonna do ... and that's vote for McCain/Palin. Why not? O'Bama and the Dems want to rape the corporations even more.