

Well-Known Member
I used to think mccain would be the better choice of the three still in the race.....Been watching this alot and I know a bunch of you have and im seeing another bush as of today. He seems to have different answers for the same questions worded different. His answers are straight forward but they always lead to some story about his life.....George Bush changing the subject type shit.

Any one else seen this? Or am I just really high and im gonna vote for obama now because it just feels right.

Farmer Joe

Well-Known Member
hilary or obama...mccain wants to send more troops to iraq, as well as put ol' conservative judges on the supreme court to send social issues back 50 years


Well-Known Member
ya but the way obama says he will operate, he would have sat down and had talks with hitler if he was pres at the time.

and i bet hitler would have tricked him into a false deal too.

i heard that if obama wins the nom from hillarry he will have such a huge boost that it will be almost impossible for Mcain to pull him back down in the last few weeks before the election since there will be not enough time left.

so lets hope this guy has a big sack, he better not rape me to clothe the undeserving. Which is pretty much any one who hasnt worked for what they got.


New Member
I'm voting for Obama cuz I want "Change," a "New Direction," "A Brighter America," "Hope," "Happy Animals" and a "Green World." Oh, and I DO have to add, "A Fairer World For All."

All of this to be accomplished with beautiful platitudes and rose petals strewn along the Boulevard of Happy Dreams. :mrgreen:



New Member
you forgot the fluffy bunnies
I see you may be an anarchist. I hope you can fend for yourself. There are a lot of badass motherfuckers out there that want what you have and aren't afraid of trying to get it. you must be one tough son-of-a-gun. Remember, freedom can be a dangerous thing.


Well-Known Member
I'm voting for Obama cuz I want "Change," a "New Direction," "A Brighter America," "Hope," "Happy Animals" and a "Green World." Oh, and I DO have to add, "A Fairer World For All."

All of this to be accomplished with beautiful platitudes and rose petals strewn along the Boulevard of Happy Dreams. :mrgreen:

"Last thing we need in the white house is a black guy beggin for change."

By:Babby George Bushbongsmilie

Rabbit season is coming up bustin rabbit heads liscening to Ice Cube is the shit.

Allan Watts

Well-Known Member
I'm reading some John Dean like "Conservatives without Conscience" and "Worse than Watergate". This guy is a broken hearted conservative who has decided to tell the truth about the Rethuglican nightmare. Voting for McSame would be a terrible mistake that I can't see the country doing. He knows nothing but war and brags about knowing nothing about the economy. Bzzzzzzzzzzzt! Wrong Answer!


New Member
I'm reading some John Dean like "Conservatives without Conscience" and "Worse than Watergate". This guy is a broken hearted conservative who has decided to tell the truth about the Rethuglican nightmare. Voting for McSame would be a terrible mistake that I can't see the country doing. He knows nothing but war and brags about knowing nothing about the economy. Bzzzzzzzzzzzt! Wrong Answer!
I see you are doing your home work. McCain/Bush samo-samo.


New Member
"Last thing we need in the white house is a black guy beggin for change."

That's funny! Not politically correct, but who gives a damn ... its still funny. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I see you may be an anarchist. I hope you can fend for yourself. There are a lot of bad ass motherfuckers out there that want what you have and aren't afraid of trying to get it. you must be one tough son-of-a-gun.
in case you haven't noticed, there's always someone trying to get your shit. whether by violence or legal trickery or merely by wearing you down, they are always trying to get at what is yours. safety and fairness are illusions and you only get to keep what you can protect.
Remember, freedom can be a dangerous thing.
with the republicans attempting to consolidate all of our decision making power into the top two percent and the democrats doing their best to take that same power and place it in the hands of soulless bureaucrats, i'm afraid freedom may be a thing of the past. just like so many other dangerous things.


New Member
in case you haven't noticed, there's always someone trying to get your shit. whether by violence or legal trickery or merely by wearing you down, they are always trying to get at what is yours. safety and fairness are illusions and you only get to keep what you can protect.
with the republicans attempting to consolidate all of our decision making power into the top two percent and the democrats doing their best to take that same power and place it in the hands of soulless bureaucrats, i'm afraid freedom may be a thing of the past. just like so many other dangerous things.
It might be a little harder to hoard your stuff with no cops, no military and no government bodies, Just a thought, yeah Anarchy forever, Hoo-Hoo.


Well-Known Member
Who in this forum has ever espoused anarchy?

guilty as charged, but isn't the concept of the people governing themselves the goal of the spiritual and ethical growth of the human race? while there are instances where governmental interference may seem necessary, there is no reason that the cause of freedom should be totally abandoned just because slavery may seem easier or safer. allowing representatives to interpret the needs and desires of the people may be a step in the right direction, but it is still allowing the few to control the fate of the many and it is usually leads to tyranny. at times it may be a gentle tyranny, but a tyranny none the less.

only when the people themselves are allowed to decide their own direction will their freedom be complete. of course there will be mistakes made and injustices committed. change is seldom easy and freedom has a price, but isn't it better that those errors be made by those who must endure their outcome? under the domination of governmental bureaucracies such missteps are still made, but those acts are committed by a ruling class distanced from the masses and relatively unaffected by their mistakes while the people they represent must cope with their short-sighted policies.

It might be a little harder to hoard your stuff with no cops, no military and no government bodies, Just a thought, yeah Anarchy forever, Hoo-Hoo.
isn't it odd that, though we rail against the police state mentality of law enforcement, the excesses of the military and the ineptitude of our leaders, we still cling to the illusion of safety they create? we have been shown time and again that government is totally incapable of protecting us, yet we still believe that bureaucrats are more capable of deciding our fates than we ourselves. even those who claim to have an abiding faith in the power of the people seem incapable of trusting them to do what is right without the heavy hand of big brother to keep them in line.

i would hope that by now we would have understood that it's not all about hoarding our stuff. though stuff is nice, it's just things and there is so much more for us to concern ourselves with than mere items. the whole point of anarchy, it seems to me, is the freedom to take personal responsibility for your actions and allow others to do the same. i realize that the idea of folks taking responsibility for their own lives is not a popular concept with the nouveau-left, but it seems a necessary step if we are ever to become more than a race of masters and slaves.

now i realize that i might have just written a bunch of what you might see as empty rhetoric. i suppose i could blame it on the fact that i woke up this morning, saw that i had nothing really pressing to do today, and proceeded to get blasted out of my little gourd. no, i won't take that route.


New Member
I'll believe in anarchy just as soon as I can safely take my grandkids down to South Central Los Angeles for some great BBQ ... at night. 'Till then, I'll stay out of the area and eat crappy BBQ in my own safe little area.

Nice comments as usual, undertheice. :)



New Member
I'll believe in anarchy just as soon as I can safely take my grandkids down to South Central Los Angeles for some great BBQ ... at night. 'Till then, I'll stay out of the area and eat crappy BBQ in my own safe little area.

Nice comments as usual, undertheice. :)

Exactly. Anarchy in the sense that Undertheice sees it presupposes all people think like him and want their freedom to enjoy their life. Problem is, the bad rotten motherfuckers that want nothing more than to rape and pillage. There are assholes that would be yanking schoolgirls off the street and raping them, kicking in your front door and shooting you on sight to take the keys to you corvette and take it out and trash it, etc. Believe it or not, cops and the government keep a lot of assholes in check. With true anarchy, the gangs would rule the streets and you'd have to barricade yourself in your homes and hold vigil 24-7.