McConnell deflecting for Trump's failure to protect our lives.


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Remember when Presidents sucked it up and did their job?
President Clinton didn't mention his impeachment once during his State of the Union address, and worked hard during it to show the American people he could rise above and govern the nation without acting like a child when he got caught.
Unfortunately Trump is incapable of doing that. Luckily for Dear Leader, he has Moscow Mitch........

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Tuesday that the impeachment of President Trump distracted the administration’s attention away from the coronavirus crisis, defending the president amid criticism of the delayed U.S. response to the pandemic.

In an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, McConnell blamed the Democratic-led impeachment effort, even though Trump was acquitted by the Senate on Feb. 5 — more than three weeks before the first coronavirus death in the United States.

“It came up while we were, you know, tied down in the impeachment trial,” McConnell told Hewitt. “And I think it diverted the attention of the government, because everything, every day, was all about impeachment.”

The White House refused to cooperate with the Democratic-led impeachment probe, and the Senate swiftly acquitted Trump without allowing any witnesses to testify during the trial.

McConnell’s comments also do not take into account the president’s own words and actions related to the coronavirus.

Trump repeatedly played down the threat the virus posed toward the United States. When news of the first U.S. case broke in late January, Trump declared, “We have it totally under control. . . . It’s going to be just fine.” At the same time, Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) was calling on the federal government to declare the crisis a public health emergency.

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Democrats also criticized the Trump administration in early February for not taking the crisis seriously enough, with some warning that medical institutions were in urgent need of additional staff and supplies.

Amid the first reports of community transmission in late February, Trump continued to dismiss the risk. “It’s going to disappear,” he said. “One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

And despite McConnell’s claim that impeachment distracted Trump from addressing the coronavirus, the president did find time in January and February to hold a host of “Keep America Great” campaign rallies and fundraisers across the country.

The impeachment trial began Jan. 16, with a team of lawyers defending the president in the Senate. The government agencies involved in dealing with novel coronavirus — the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Health and Human Services, and others — were not involved in the impeachment process.

Trump enacted travel and quarantine measures in late January and signed an $8.3 billion emergency coronavirus spending bill in early March. But it wasn’t until the World Health Organization declared the virus a pandemic in mid-March that the president began to shift his rhetoric and warn Americans to take steps to limit the spread.

In Tuesday’s interview, McConnell said Trump has been doing “very, very well” at leading the country during the pandemic, pointing to a recent Gallup poll that showed 60 percent of Americans — including 27 percent of Democrats — approve of his handling of the crisis.

“I think he’ll keep it up, and I’m proud of the way he’s been handling it,” McConnell said.

I really think the #1 response nails the rebuttal to McConnell's bullshit....
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so covering up trump's corruption with even more corruption by moscow mitch is the reason for gross negligence.
can Mitch do 2 things at once?
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George T. Conway III is a lawyer and an adviser to the Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump super PAC. He is a co-founder of Checks & Balances, a network of lawyers advocating for the rule of law.

There should have been shame enough in orchestrating the acquittal of an impeached president who, in order to extort help for his reelection campaign, unlawfully withheld security aid to an ally. Shame enough in turning the Senate impeachment trial into a sham by refusing to hear a single live witness.

But it turns out Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) was just getting started.

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On Tuesday, he added to the disgrace by claiming that impeachment distracted officials from dealing with the coronavirus. Speaking to radio host (and Post columnist) Hugh Hewitt, McConnell said the virus “came up while we were, you know, tied down in the impeachment trial. And I think it diverted the attention of the government, because everything, every day, was all about impeachment.”

This is gaslighting of the highest order. Leave aside that the president now claims that he presciently “felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic” and that he “always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously."

Look at the calendar. The impeachment trial ended on Feb. 5. In reality, it was over before it even started, thanks in large part to McConnell. The only drama was about whether there’d be any witnesses — and that ended on Jan. 31, when the Senate voted not to hear testimony. That left plenty of time to deal with the virus.

And while some lawyers in the executive branch and Congress were working on impeachment around the clock, impeachment didn’t consume the government. Trump managed to get to Mar-a-Lago at least four times in January and February, working in a few rounds of golf along the way. He held five campaign rallies around the country during the impeachment trial.

Trump even had the bandwidth during the trial to comment on the coronavirus: On Jan. 22, he told CNBC “we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China.” On Jan. 24, he tweeted, “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” On Jan. 30, at a speech in Michigan, he said again, “We think we have it very well under control.” On Feb. 2, referring to his administration’s Jan. 31 order partially banning travel from China, Trump told Sean Hannity, “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”

Most importantly, impeachment didn’t keep U.S. intelligence agencies from warning the president and Congress in January and February about the danger of the virus. In particular, as Josh Rogin wrote, impeachment notwithstanding, “throughout January and much of February, senior Trump administration officials heatedly debated the scope and scale of the coronavirus pandemic.”

McConnell’s own colleagues got the message, too. Throughout the early weeks of the crisis, senior administration officials repeatedly briefed senators about the coronavirus. What senators were told was “chilling,” said Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), but the administration wasn’t asking for more funds. “Bottom line: they aren’t taking this seriously enough,” because the administration made “no request for ANY emergency funding, which is a big mistake,” Murphy tweetedon Feb. 5. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) found enough time in mid-February, apparently prompted by concerns about the emerging pandemic, to sell 33 stocks worth up to $1.7 million, triggering an insider-trading investigation by the Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission. (Burr denies wrongdoing.)

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The problem wasn’t impeachment — it was the president. There was never any chance that the government was going to take sufficient action on the virus when the president himself wasn’t taking the virus seriously. It was Trump, after all, who claimed — at the very end of February, weeks after the impeachment trial had ended — that criticisms such as Murphy’s were a “hoax” and that “within a couple days,” the number of coronavirus cases “is going to be down to close to zero.”

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And the problem with the president stemmed from the very same impulses that got him impeached. Just as his focus on himself, and his reelection, led him to extort Ukraine and lie about it, so, too, it led him to deceive the public about the coronavirus as well. Eager to keep the number of coronavirus cases from going up, he didn’t want to let a cruise ship full of Americans dock. He didn’t want virus warnings to spook the stock markets, lest he not be able to brag about the markets during the campaign. Even as late as March 8, a month after the impeachment trial, he told Republican donors at Mar-a-Lago that his political opponents were “trying to scare everybody, from meetings, cancel the meetings, close the schools — you know, destroy the country. And that’s ok, as long as we can win the election.”

For Trump, it’s always about Trump and only Trump. If anything, it was McConnell and his fellow Senate Republicans’ refusal to remove him, not the impeachment itself, that helped bring us to where we are today
"I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot "(Trump to Ukraine's president)

Republican Senators ensured Trump's Narcissist Personality Disorder continues to rule this country:

Flatter or fight? Governors seeking help must navigate Trump

Facing an unprecedented public health crisis, governors are trying to get what they need from Washington, and fast. But that means navigating the disorienting politics of dealing with Trump, an unpredictable president with a love for cable news and a penchant for retribution.

Republicans and Democrats alike are testing whether to fight or flatter, whether to back channel requests or go public, all in an attempt to get Trump’s attention and his assurances.

At stake may be access to masks, ventilators and other personal protective gear critically needed by health care workers, as well as field hospitals and federal cash. As Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, D-Mich., put it, “I can’t afford to have a fight with the White House.”

Trump added, “If they don’t treat you right, I don’t call.”
There are a lot of people fed up with these clowns. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if I woke up one morning, and read headlines that state how Trump, McConnell and a bunch of others have passed away due to acute lead poisoning.
There are a lot of people fed up with these clowns. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if I woke up one morning, and read headlines that state how Trump, McConnell and a bunch of others have passed away due to acute lead poisoning.
Never happen. Somehow, half the population still believe in them both...even as they literally drop dead.
Trump today made it clear that the impeachment would have made no difference to his response:

"I don't think I would have done any better had I not been impeached," Trump said at his daily coronavirus news conference from the White House. "And I think that's a great tribute to something — maybe it's a tribute to me — but I don't think I would've acted any differently, or I don't think I would've acted any faster."