mcm 1st grow


Active Member
all bag seed ,Planted at the beginning of august.
just moved under mh from sunroom aug 14.
any input is welcome.


Active Member
Well after monitoring my babies in thier current location!
I have come to the conclusion that the 400w highbay lamp needs adequate ventilation or else it heats up a confined space real fast.:mrgreen:
so after beggin and pleading for some floor space in a less stealthier spot I was able to get this far last night.I'm thinking about just lining the walls with poster boards like the one in the photo.I think my plants will like it here much better.


Active Member
ph tested water today was running high so went out and got some ph-(gonna have to check what the effects are of watering with ph+water)
finger tested pots felt dry top 2-2.5" has been two days since last watering gonna wait 1 more before watering again as i think I may of overdid it a bit in the beginning (leaves swollen and stems a little purplish).
now i know why its called a veg room :blsmoke:


Active Member
so not much is new over the last few days.raised light as i think i had it to close.plants are starting to show some growth again. maybe shock from transplanting ,to wet, or light to close maybe all of the above???
these are the 4 plants im keeping.....






Active Member
getting some yellow spotting....:confused:
is this nute burn from my miracle grow soil or is this a water issue as it showed up after i started using well water that had to be ph downed
my guess is the later so am going to revert back to bottled water.
#3 has been hit the hardest
#1 just turned 3 weeks today






Active Member
...been four days since watering. so watered with bottled water today,they seem to have recovered from the well water?
the first three are from the same strain bag seed. #4 is the odd ball and is from unknown quality bag seed.

-#1 planted from seed aug-1 first 2 weeks on window sill
-#2 planted from seed aug-6
-#3 planted from seed aug-9
-#4 planted from seed aug-10