MDMA got you feelin like a champion!


Well-Known Member
Just landed 3 g's of the dankest Molly I have ever had! Feeling fucking awesome too ha. I took .1 at 9p.m. By 9:45p.m I'm feeling spectacular. I've never gotten any Molly that looks like straight candy-crystal rocks....well this time however I did. If you ever get any shard Molly do it! Anyone else ever get this stuff (I'm sure quite a few have)? Anyways it's just amazing ha. Thought I'd throw my 2 cents in on this chemical.


Well-Known Member
Moonrock molly is a norm in my life... its a must have kitchen item :D

A friend was like hey... I'm gonna sprinkle some salt on my potatoes... I ran to my kitchen and low and behold he had the jarskies of molly... waiting to sprinkle away. I jovially removed the molly shaker from his hand and placed it safely inside my cabinet. What a night ;)

Yeah a shitty camera phone won't do moonrocks justice... gotta see the crissssssssssss-tal!


Active Member
yeeah its all about the pooowerrr md :D NYE tomoz big mdma night commin up :D hope il remember it.. hehe