MDMA heart and health question


Active Member
Hey guys, so I recently asked this forum (as well as a couple others) about using methylone when I have high blood pressure. I've gotten mixed responses but many seem to tell me its not worth it and may strain the heart more than MDMA would.

I have always wanted to try MDMA. I have always been concerned with its effects on my blood pressure and heart though.

I am not in shape, about 225 pounds, 6ft tall. I take a dyazide for my blood pressure. The dyazide in itself may cause problems since its a diuretic and with the addition of MDMA, could potentially dehydrate me, lower potassium, etc. I have skipped doses before for even days at a time with little problem so thats an option.

I have experience with cocaine, amphetamines, lsd, etc with little problems. When I used cocaine and stimulants I do notice a big spike in heart rate which makes me uneasy, but never felt dizzy or what not.

Since Im a big guy Im also worried about overheating (I tend to get somewhat warm on psychadelics)

what do you guys think??


Active Member
Why risk it? Even if it doesn't kill you, if you end up in an emergency room for an OD you will get a possesion charge which is no joke for MDMA


Oracle of Hallucinogens
If you have taken amphetamines and didn't have any bad reaction you would probably be all right to do MDMA (as it is an amphetamine).

Water consumption (so I hear) should be:
~2c/hr if active/sweating a lot
~1c/hr if not


Active Member
when I said I had experience with amphetamines, I didn't mean meth (should have been specific) I have just done some ADD medications like amphetamine salts and adderal. As long as MDMA doesnt increase my BP and heart rate more than ADD medicines have, I should be fine. Coke does really rev up my body and I want to avoid that from now on, but the difference is coke gets you all amped up for a half hour whereas mdma does for some hours, which is a concern.

I know the risks and why I shouldnt do it, but Im beginning to become sick of psychedelics after a long relationship with them. Just looking for another great experience for special occasions


Oracle of Hallucinogens
when I said I had experience with amphetamines, I didn't mean meth (should have been specific) I have just done some ADD medications like amphetamine salts and adderal. As long as MDMA doesnt increase my BP and heart rate more than ADD medicines have, I should be fine. Coke does really rev up my body and I want to avoid that from now on, but the difference is coke gets you all amped up for a half hour whereas mdma does for some hours, which is a concern.

I know the risks and why I shouldnt do it, but Im beginning to become sick of psychedelics after a long relationship with them. Just looking for another great experience for special occasions
My best advice (if you are going to try it) is to work your way up. Start with a low dose of MDMA and see how it effects you, then if it's not increasing your BP/heart rate too much, bump up the dosage.


Well-Known Member
Clean rolls shouldn't effect your BP too much... maybe slightly during the peak thats about it... but nothing that will raise too much alarm!


Active Member
Hey guys, so I recently asked this forum (as well as a couple others) about using methylone when I have high blood pressure. I've gotten mixed responses but many seem to tell me its not worth it and may strain the heart more than MDMA would.

I have always wanted to try MDMA. I have always been concerned with its effects on my blood pressure and heart though.

I am not in shape, about 225 pounds, 6ft tall. I take a dyazide for my blood pressure. The dyazide in itself may cause problems since its a diuretic and with the addition of MDMA, could potentially dehydrate me, lower potassium, etc. I have skipped doses before for even days at a time with little problem so thats an option.

I have experience with cocaine, amphetamines, lsd, etc with little problems. When I used cocaine and stimulants I do notice a big spike in heart rate which makes me uneasy, but never felt dizzy or what not.

Since Im a big guy Im also worried about overheating (I tend to get somewhat warm on psychadelics)

what do you guys think??
alright dude i just wanna say that you shouldnt fuck wit that shit. i just got out of treatment for X and that shit fucked up my life i lost a great job, a girlfriend, and the trust of my family and friends.and yes it will fuck with your heart. stick wit the natural shit man!


Well-Known Member
alright dude i just wanna say that you shouldnt fuck wit that shit. i just got out of treatment for X and that shit fucked up my life i lost a great job, a girlfriend, and the trust of my family and friends.and yes it will fuck with your heart. stick wit the natural shit man!


Well-Known Member
id stay away from it if i were u, ur just askin for trouble. besides, thizz is gay unless u get some real quality shit. most thizz is cut with a bunch of bullshit and u get all twacked out not even worth it imo. but if ur so compelled make sure its some quality from someone u trust.
yea and dont get in the habit of doing that shit, e-tards are fagggggs. peace

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
If you do decide to do it I agree with shepj, start lower and see how your body reacts. Also, make sure you don't get all nervous about not drinking enough water and end up drinking way too much. I've seen a friend do this at a club, got a bottle of water, drank it, then went to the bathroom to refill it. Next thing I knew I asked him for a sip cause my bottle was empty as I gave it so someone in need, he gave it to me and I asked how much he'd had (thinking it'd been like a bottle + 1/2) he said he had refilled it 4 times. He stopped for a sec then ran to the bathroom and started puking. Was fine but it is VERY EASY to drink too much water. Especially when you are very hot and the water is so very refreshing. It can be very bad for you, even deadly. (Crazy isn't can fairly easily die from ODing on water but weed....aint gonna happen) If you are over heating, sit down, chill out, no need to dance for 6 hours straight. Also, realization of being hot or dehydrated can come on as quick as the roll, dancing happy feel great then all of a sudden realize that you havent drank anything for a bit and paranoid thoughts that tend to cause people to over do it.
Also, Powerade is much much better than water in that situation. The reason water is worse is you are sweating many chemicals out and you need to replenish those as well as the water. Also, Powerade tastes soooo much better when rolling.
Remember safety is key. If everyone was safer doing illegal substances then maybe someday these things can be legalized and regulated and we wouldn't have to worry about buying something fake or a whole new drug all together.


Well-Known Member
my concern would be buying a roll with mixed substances. it's not all that easy to find a roll with just mdma. me personally i would advice against it. i have had heart problems due to drugs and now don't do drugs that raise my heart level just as a golden rule, but if you are compelled to try it anyways then just follow everyones advice and start in low doses and work your way up to a full dose. best wishes and luck for you and your fun.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
dude if u have done coke and meth then why would thizz be any different. wait, if u have done meth b4 why dont u just smoke some instead of thizz, its pretty much the same high, and is way cheaper
If you think smoking meth is the same high as thizz then you're getting some really bad shit.


Well-Known Member
A quick google should provide you with esay enough methods for washing your E.


Active Member
Thanks guys. I always try to be as safe and prepared as possible when trying any new substance. I know that finding REAL and quality MDMA is not an easy task. I would never buy rolls because of their reputation to be dirty. I know how to get a hold of molly and my friends have tried the source in question and say it is legit.

A few of you say dont do it and its not worth it. I am just far too curious about drugs. I always thought coke was scummy, but I just HAD to try it. LSD, mushrooms, mdma are 3 drugs that fascinate me. I have a lot of experience with L and shrooms and until I do MDMA, I wont be able to stop thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
FADRIAN please relax and take an antivan for godsakes!

If your smart you'll avoid cut shit at all cost... test kits and you should be able to avoid adulterated pills!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
id stay away from it if i were u, ur just askin for trouble. besides, thizz is gay unless u get some real quality shit. most thizz is cut with a bunch of bullshit and u get all twacked out not even worth it imo. but if ur so compelled make sure its some quality from someone u trust.
yea and dont get in the habit of doing that shit, e-tards are fagggggs. peace
Do you have any clue as to what the fuck you are talking about?