mdma pills - The More Bitter, The Stronger?


Well-Known Member
Sure does. But semi bad idea! Swished a good amount of mango juice with molly... and I almost purged it onced swallowed... damn this stuff is purtrid ;)... what a heavy salt mdma is! And can you believe I"m already feeling the warm body zings!


Well-Known Member
yep, thats the point to the liquid, you don;t have to wait for pills to break and solids to dissolve, it comes on quick and all at one time.... buzz little buddy, buzz.


Well-Known Member
Bro... snorting is possibly the worst method of ingestion. A waste... a fully engulfed mdma experience can only be achieved by oral or through the butthole ;)... I slowly fill the rush coming on... eyes getting heavy.. .and my dick stands up every second or two in happiness... whoa did I say that outlloud :lol:


A buddy of mine plugged it once. Said he rolled harder than ever. Don't think I could bring myself to do that though.


Well-Known Member
and then
Go with it, I'm wigging with you in spirrit.


Well-Known Member
Let are chakras touch! Nothing but pured devotion from this molly... it took me nearly five minutes to wirte this sentence... due to eye wiggles... WHOA!


New Member
Let are chakras touch! Nothing but pured devotion from this molly... it took me nearly five minutes to wirte this sentence... due to eye wiggles... WHOA!
ahahha i know exactly how that feels, i remember my first time frying i tried to text my gf at the time to just hang out with her girl friends but i couldnt manage to even see the screen correctly . she later came to where i was as i was frying and had no idea what the hell was going on.. at this time she didnt know that i was frying and i was able to act normal around her the whole time "i dk how maybe bc she was drunk?". she never found out till 3 months later when a drunk friend told her. she was pissed at me for a week and said that im fucking stupid and im ruining my life for trying it. . . 1 month later the bitch tried it :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Off white crystalline molly! All effects subsided about 40 minutes ago.. strong ass peak. It had me deep breathing like a sprinter on 5 miles going! That was deep breathes of euphoria I tell ya ;)