MDMA tomorrow :D


Well-Known Member
yes it sucks when your ripped off and high on stuff you don't want to be high on..even worse when you're ripped off and not high..or dead.


Well-Known Member
You guys haven't ever taken mystery powders? I guess i've been careless in my past, never ended up with meth though. people will bump you out at shows though and you never really know what you're getting..


Well-Known Member
I did mystery powders when I was young but I've since gained a greater appreciation for my own mortality.


Well-Known Member
hmm...I had a friend who had a large amount of ketamine and MDMA once...the ketamine was in blue zip lock baggies and the MDMA was and yellow baggies..he dumped a half gram out and I went and did it all then I realized that it came out of a yellow baggie..i was rolling before I got out of the van..that right there made me realize if my friends could make a mistake a stranger could I haven't done any mystery powders since then...


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's never a good idea.. white powder from some guy in a field haha.

on my way to DSO tonight see ya!


Well-Known Member
We had a great estimated prophet, and they gave us a tennessee jed which fucking ripped, and played us the most ridiculous version of playin in the band that lasted most of the second set, shit was retarded and dopapod played the afterparty, not shure if yall know about them. gotta work in 2.5 hours but it was fuckin worth it