Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!


Well-Known Member
I'm still a noob! at sexing but looks to me it's still too early yet, I'm thinking another week you should have a definite identification...

Still looking green .. nice and healthy, keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
No those are not pre flowers. New growers will often be confused. Pre flowers Have two tiny white hairs coming out if a tiny green thing. Male preflowers look like little pods


Well-Known Member
Dont bother cutting any dead or brown spot they will fall off on thier own Im sure. Every time you cut or break somthing on your plant the plat put its energy tward healing not growing. Your brown spot will not yurn back to geen they should just stop hapining.


Well-Known Member
Dont bother cutting any dead or brown spot they will fall off on thier own Im sure. Every time you cut or break somthing on your plant the plat put its energy tward healing not growing. Your brown spot will not yurn back to geen they should just stop hapining.
Thanks for the info man. Wont cut em. Yea nothing else has browned since I feed them their first meal.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm sort of a new-bee too but don't use nutes on seedlings. If they start to fall over from stretching or legging out use something to prop them up. I used a paper clip and that helped. I made a loop in one end that went around the stem, over about 1/2 inch then straight down into the ground. Kinda like a "hang-man"...

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
I'm on my first grow too, so I'm very new, but I think you are seeing Stipules, not Pistils.

If you look at the pics Humboldt posted of the male pre flowers you can see some Stipules, as both males and females have them.

Who knows tho? Patience grasshopper, Patience!!

according to an article by Mel Frank in HT, "its practically impossible to identify a canabis plants gender during its first 7 weeks of growth. Male plants may appear to be a little taller or more vigorous, since they require less light and nutrients than females"

That last line I found to be true. The plants I was most proud of and depending on, were the tallest and best growing and they both turned out to be males. I keep markers on my plants and I really pay attention to height as an early indicator since they are all grown under the exact same circumstances. My problem is bag seeds so who knows how they compare beyond living conditions.

Hope that helps, good luck.


Active Member
That last line I found to be true. The plants I was most proud of and depending on, were the tallest and best growing and they both turned out to be males.
well happened to me before that the tallest ones were males

but its DEFINITELY not an must, now on the grow i have the 2 tallest ones (i germinated 7 plants) were both females !!!

like someone with a shit LOT more experience than me in growing Mary J said:''sometime its just genetics''

keep cool

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
I hear ya melushell, and like I was saying too, I have bag seed so outside of the growing conditions, who knows what the hell I have in the soil!? They didn't even come from the same bag. Some were from a friend who 'collects seeds' others were from bags I got along the way. The one's I'm most hopeful about are some I got from 'the weed man' who said they were from the medicinal weed.

Regardless I'm really enjoying it, waking up to smell the buds each morning for watering is nice. I also have 3 confirmed females so I guess that takes some of the pressure off too.

Take care.


Well-Known Member
On the last pic the leaf was accidentally ripped when I was moving them (dont ask) will it be ok? How does everything look? Thanks for all the replies and input I appreciate it all.


Well-Known Member
Just be patient as mentioned, try not to mess with them too much. I've noticed to just let them do their thing unless you're rotating the pots or watering.

Keep the pics coming, how old are they to the day? Are you still using nutes?


Well-Known Member
Gotta buy new nutes, only fed them once. I rotate and adjust lights as needed. They do overall look more healty since there first feed and transplant. The first is my biggest, the last is the Guard dog....

I wont stress them, thanks for all your input fellas.

21 days old and kicking!

More pics real quick......

