Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!


Well-Known Member
according to an article by Mel Frank in HT, "its practically impossible to identify a canabis plants gender during its first 7 weeks of growth. Male plants may appear to be a little taller or more vigorous, since they require less light and nutrients than females"
The first half is absolutely false. My Kiki showed her stuff at 3 weeks from sprout. Surprised the shyt out of me one day, don't worry about "trying" to sex your plants- one day you'll be in your grow room inspecting your plants growth and you'll see pistils and freak! it seems to happen usually for new growers.

The second part however is absolutely true- don't get too excited about "best" plants- they're usually male...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I also want to point out, that the "claw" pix of the plants look like over watering- I agree, but we don't even have the water's ph here- it could be a variety of other things as well. I agree with FDD, when I forget the last time I watered I wait until she starts to wilt. THOSE BABIES ARE WILTING, QUICKLY- WATER THEM ASAP PLEASE.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
I'm a noob for sure, but I honestly have had some plants in veggy for 5-6 weeks and they haven't shown. Mine haven't shown until about a week or so into flowering. Now, I do the see the 'pre flowers' but I'm kinda shitty at identifying them positively so I wait.

Thanks for the advice.


Well-Known Member
I'm a noob for sure, but I honestly have had some plants in veggy for 5-6 weeks and they haven't shown. Mine haven't shown until about a week or so into flowering. Now, I do the see the 'pre flowers' but I'm kinda shitty at identifying them positively so I wait.

Thanks for the advice.
Oh I believe it, I've seen plants here not show till half way through flowering- just saying I've seen plenty of plants show their sex before a month old.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well I let them go without water for so long, the soild has gapped between the pot. So I guess I will water, Im just sooooo nervous the other plants will share the fate of my largest and soon to be second largest. :-(


Well-Known Member
Ok well I watered the one that looks like it is dieng just like the first one did and this is what it looks like now....


Well-Known Member
I know this is a n00b questions this late in the game, but how much should I be giving each plant, I have always given them .25L of water that has been filtered and left standing for 24 hours every other day before. Is this good? Too much? Too less?


Well-Known Member
Water enough that there is 10% run off... or in other words, water until 10% of what you put in the pot comes out the bottom...


Well-Known Member
Told you.. LOL...

I'll make sure to stay in this thread whenever you need me. Gotta make sure these babies keep kicking.

What kind of space constraints do you have?


Well-Known Member
Told you.. LOL...

I'll make sure to stay in this thread whenever you need me. Gotta make sure these babies keep kicking.

What kind of space constraints do you have?

Hahaha I was gonna ask you that! Please dont leave my thread!!

There in a 4 by 3 closet
Dual fan blowing air in and air out.

5 cool lights
2 warm

everyday I crack the window open for some fresh air, and thats only about 5 feet from the closet

And milf Im taking all your here is to you, my plants, and this grow. If you were with me I would give you some!......



Well-Known Member
Hahaha I was gonna ask you that! Please dont leave my thread!!

There in a 4 by 3 closet
Dual fan blowing air in and air out.

5 cool lights
2 warm

everyday I crack the window open for some fresh air, and thats only about 5 feet from the closet

And milf Im taking all your here is to you, my plants, and this grow. If you were with me I would give you some!......
HAHA, thanks for the offer, wish I could partake. :blsmoke: Take a niiiiiiccce hit off the roach of that blunt- my fav. part. :blsmoke:

So 7 lights total? All true 40 watt cfls?


Well-Known Member
when i water it never comes out the bottom. check it out
I'm glad that you are experienced enough to do that.. LOL.. for the rest of us tho- I'd suggest the 10% runoff rule- the roots deepest in the soil need to stay moist or they will die- without seeing water run off, it's hard to gauge how much of the soil is moist or if there are dry spots.. but it is true, if you work with the same strain for a while you will learn exactly when and how much to feed them, possibly to the point of not needing to see run off water. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
its my first grow i dident even know about this rule thanks. when i water its with 300ml i guess im lucky.