MeanWell LED Drivers: 3 in 1 Dimming Function.

Ok so I'm late to the game as usual. I read sds tutorial and as usual I'm lost as fuck. Every time I try to learn something new because I finally got the last thing down, I realize how ignorant I am in this area of work.
So I want to run 4 hlg185hc700b powering 168 cree xpgs. According to the chart I need 25ΚΩ 20mW 2.5K. Which means I need a 25ΚΩ pot and a 2.5K resistor wired in series with the dim-?
Ok so I'm late to the game as usual. I read sds tutorial and as usual I'm lost as fuck. Every time I try to learn something new because I finally got the last thing down, I realize how ignorant I am in this area of work.
So I want to run 4 hlg185hc700b powering 168 cree xpgs. According to the chart I need 25ΚΩ 20mW 2.5K. Which means I need a 25ΚΩ pot and a 2.5K resistor wired in series with the dim-?
Ok so then I have another question and don't know where to ask it but I figure y'all would know.
If I wanted to put in a in off switch for each driver would I add the switch to the a.c. Input cord of each driver?
I have 2 drivers and a 50kohm pot but only have 10k resistors. Would it be bad to use the 10k instead of 5k? What would this do?
That's what I thought, but I wanted to be sure. I would never go or want to go that low anyway. So I'm perfect....thank you.
So I was at my local fry's electronics looking for resistors to fit my to my 2 drivers at 50k ohm pot. It says 5k resistors. Are these it?20170202_095712.jpg
Hi to all, sorry for my englisj. I' m in a trouble with my potentiometer on a HLG-240H-C1400B.
I have read all the 3d and i took lots of useful informations but I'm still confused..
Because I need to drive 5 COBs( CLU 048 1212) wire in series at 1.4A, i need of 36.7V for each cob(183.5V) i need ALL the courrent the driver can do, so an open circuit.
In another 3d a RIU user sugegsted me to put a swith to cutt off the dimmer to have an opern circuit and some extra VOLTS (182v instead of 179v whit potentiometer at 100%)
I decided to buy a potentiometer with integrate switch.
Here the link of potentiometer with datasheet
here the link for resistor

Are those component right for my lamp?

i put also a little scheme postproducing on my own a scheme from datasheet trying explain better my issues.

Hoping in a your answer, best regards.


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Hi to all, sorry for my englisj. I' m in a trouble with my potentiometer on a HLG-240H-C1400B.
I have read all the 3d and i took lots of useful informations but I'm still confused..
Because I need to drive 5 COBs( CLU 048 1212) wire in series at 1.4A, i need of 36.7V for each cob(183.5V) i need ALL the courrent the driver can do, so an open circuit.
In another 3d a RIU user sugegsted me to put a swith to cutt off the dimmer to have an opern circuit and some extra VOLTS (182v instead of 179v whit potentiometer at 100%)
I decided to buy a potentiometer with integrate switch.
Here the link of potentiometer with datasheet
here the link for resistor

Are those component right for my lamp?

i put also a little scheme postproducing on my own a scheme from datasheet trying explain better my issues.

Hoping in a your answer, best regards.
Those should work fine. You just need to take one of the DIM leads and run it to the switch first, doesnt matter what Dim + or minus. Then out of the other side of the switch to one of the pot leads.