Meat in the mix


Well-Known Member
Hahaha nice...looking good looking good. Should start selling some soil I would pick some up. I would drive to you though fuck shipping:-P


Well-Known Member
Funny that you mention that, I was talking with my wife and telling her how much of a killing I could make selling my compost online.

A bit more of a headache than I want though.


Well-Known Member
I would try and sell locally? If there's any demand at least... I mean the only problem with selling it onling is the shipping would be ridiculous. Thing is I want some...If I had money I would just pay the shipping lol Supply and Demand.


Well-Known Member
I do sell it locally to small gardeners and farmers, that's how I make part of my living.

I never really knew how valuable it was till I started growing cannabis.

I'd love to able to just send you some but I'm not for exchanging info online.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya and a lot aren't there's very few I trust on here but have been chatting with them for a while...I'm enjoying watching the fruit of your labors!

Now that I think about it, a deer was hit outside my work this past summer. My boss dragged it out back. That was a while ago prob all decomposed now? Maybe find the bone's and get a couple cups full? It was close to the shop so nothing really got to it. Gona check this out next summer. Too much snow now lol.


Well-Known Member
Someone had made mention of it earlier but I believe you can get the kind of compost similar to what I make at a County Highway Dept.

Most Highway Depts. compost what they clean up off roads and they sell it VERY cheap, it's very nutrient rich and would work great for MJ.

I don't see any reason soil has to come with a name for it to be any good.


Well-Known Member
Very true, I use FFOF and buy nutrients but eventually I want make tea's and my own soil. In due time.


Well-Known Member
White Widow and White Castle from Nirvana.

I've been pinching the White Widow to control the growth and keep them around the same height.

The White Castle are shorter and more Indica.


Well-Known Member
I received my UV light today and added that to the tent. I'll be starting it out on 5 hrs during the middle of the lights on period.:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Thanks! I blame it on my OCD, lol.

One of the reasons I love to smoke so much. I think I covered the light spectrum pretty well for flowering.

I've done as much research as I can and figured this is close to where I want it now.


Well-Known Member
I gave the plants a badly needed flush this morning after realizing my PH was getting thrown to far off from the molasses and ferts.

Hopefully they'll perk back up and I'll see some improvement in not too long.

I'm going to discontinue using the molasses until the final weeks of flowering.