Meave's first CFL grow, short stuff #1


Active Member
Looking good. A carbon filter extractor fan would be useful for lowering the temperature and the smell.
Best of luck.
Yes, that is next on the agenda !
I'm going to get a pc fan and experiment with some filter materials ...
Could do with some temperature lowerage so i can have both lights on.


Active Member
Evenin' all.

So, day 47 and all appears to be going swimmingly.
Have decided to restore the quarantined plant and have repotted all 3.
I've also been giving them a slug of this stuff. They seem to like it.
They're a mixed bunch...
One appears perfect, loads of flower and the old glisteny stuff is coming along
One is a bit shorter (maybe the one that had it's root broken off during the first
repot :oops:) and a bit behind in the glisteny stuff stakes. It's also got more than its fair
share of yellow leaves.
The ex-quarantined one is starting to pick up now it's back under the lights and has
started producing some proper flowers.

Here are some pics :=
This is the best one :-

This is the second one ... a bit behind. Note yellow leaves :-

And this is the other one ... way behind but catching up ! Lovely and green.



Active Member
'Afternoon peeps.

Well according to my calculations, it's about time to harvest !:clap:
(Short stuff's info says 8/9 weeks, and 8 x 7 = 56, and it's day 56 ..)
...but i'll probably give them a few more days.

They all germinated on the same day, but they're looking decidedly different.
Here are the pics :
The short one i suspect is the one that had it's root broken, so it's a bit stunted, but
otherwise looking ok.
The late developer (the one in the middle of the group) is coming along nicely and looks like it'll be the best .
Best so far :-

The late developer :-


The stunted one :-


And some close ups (can't tell which is which - basically, the one with most frosting
is the "best so far", the one with least is the late developer, and the other is the stunted one)


(Hmmmmmm. must improve my camera technique a bit !)

Cheers all.


Active Member
Bloody 'ell those pics are crap.
I'll try and take some more later, maybe through a magnifying glass.


The pictures are crap. But you can see that they are looking good. I'd say that they aren't ready yet though. Short Stuffs time to harvest is really optimistic. They need more than another few days. Another two or three weeks would be more like it. The buds will lose their wispy appearance and pack out nicely if you leave them a bit longer.


Active Member
Evenin' all.

The pictures are crap.
Good to get a second opinion !

The pictures are much better when i leave them in with the lights instead
of taking them out and using the crap inbuilt flash .... :dunce:

Anyway , here's the latest :
Plants 1 & 3 are coming along nicely :100_2048.JPG

Plant 1:


Plant 3 :


Plant 2 appears to have been harvested by some impatient secateur wielding maniac.
Well, it was stunted - only about 6" - and most of the pistils were brown. It's what
it would have wanted.


Wow ! there's gotta be at least 1 or 2 grammes there !!

I'll give the others a week or so and report back.

Cheers all.
hey there meave,
bit late joining here but its looking good. i have 2 short stuff #1 germinating right now and your log has given me something to look forward to. so thanks!
not sure if you mentioned your lighting schedule in the earlier posts but if you could remind me that would be great
thanks again


Active Member
Hi Mickey, thanks for the comments.
I've had them on 16/8 since germination.
Most folks here appear to recommend 18/6, 20/4 or even 24/0 but i'm trying to keep it as cheap as possible.
They seem to have done all right on it.
I have actually harvested them all now, they seemed to become ready at 2 week intervals..
the first one is long gone, and now the second is just about ready. Have started on it but it could
do with more curing. The third one is hanging as we speak.
I haven't actually weighed any of them but i'd guess i'm nearer the lower end of the expected yield range (15-36g iirc) -
still, it's probably better than what i expected, especially with the favourable germination (3/4) and f/m (3/0) ratios !!
(although i expect the next batch will be all males !)
Cheers !


Active Member
Ha ! Wouldn't you just bloody know it ...
of the last 6, 3 didn't germinate, 3 did but were all males.
Bugger !