Medi 1 test grows

nothing in here vibrates. its screwed to the frame work. the whole venting will be changed once i add the other medical grow here in a few weeks.
forgot to turn the white balance on for a few shots here so has the hps effect.


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day 34 this morning


well with all the struggles ive gone through with upgrades while im growing its not looking to bad bud wise in here now. this is tonights at day 38 or 39 in bloom.

first up is in a 1 gal pot







and the rest in 2 gal pots







Way to Grow Bro!!

This is a nice freakin' push you have going here. Am I to understand Medi One is a line of nutes that your promoting. I guess your next grow will be only with M1 nutes yes? What is so special about them that would make me want to change? I'm currently investigating nutes. Using AN now, and I know the price is outta here but that point really doesn't directly affect my grow.

it's cool if they are just another line, I was just asking for knowledge sack..

Yep I +rep'd u :D

thx bud. i asctualy work for that company. not here to try n be a salesman at all. just to show what it can or cant do and answer questions. sales inst my dept. im more in the research end to make adjustments if needed.
origiankly this was supposed to be the medi grow but things got changed here so this run was done with the reg line form Green Planet. yes my next one im running is all natural organic from clone to harvest. the diff on medi one is that it is a 1 part nute. 1 bottle from seed the finish is all you need. no expensive add ons or multi bottles to mix up. also most nutes arent made directly for cannabis. more a general purpose nute that does work. this was directed right at cannabis and tested weekly for efficacy. so we know week by week what they need or had to much off. since there was no other 1 bottle nute...other than we ran test results against many companies nutes and grow rooms and this one came almost as potent as a reg full feed line. there is a bloom additive we have been working on to stabilize with our bio chemist for future only to make this work even better than it already does.
i havent had the chance yet myself to run it but have seen others results and seen the test reports on them. i can throw up pics later if anyone wants to see finished products or growing plants with it.
reason the start werent to shit was its not recomended to switch to a natural organic like this in mid grow so was my own bad doing on having to go back to the reg full line.
i dont think ill be on this site long enough now to run the medi one journal to finish with this new newsletter and sending our info to a 3rd party so i will most likely be removed as i refuse to be sold, unfortunate but thats they way i am. i do run one over on valahallaseeds and a few othert forums. i think they have been set to still view even if not a member. ill run it as long as i can on here till this member pruning happens
i have shown in another journal here the beginning now of the next run of medi one. havent started to use yet as soil still holds food from being new bag, once its done i will begin with the medi one nute and use only that for that whole grow
also on their full line they have the same food sources for the most part as a and n but 1/4 the cost of his. like the Bio Gold i sue. i can do multi things with it. like treat PM. and as a food source. great organic product. it is the same as a and n`s pirahnna and tarantula together but cheeper than 1 of those bottles and you get both in 1. their goal is to cut the amount of bottles needed to achive the same result as other competitors.
the root builder is same as voo doo juice but half the cost.
brix+, foliar adds weight to plant and is organic.
some of the bloom enhancers have a product in it hat i dont see others using much or at all...tricantinol.
Well i'm sure i'll hear about the nutes somewhere down the line. Im not sure I'll start with a new to market nute since I haven't enough experience to tell when i'm totally screwed!! and how to get unscrewed!! But keep posting i'll keep watchin

nothing to realy screw up using only 1 bottle and watching the Ph as it is low to keep it stable in the bottle. works the same as any other nutrient out there just less work and a clean final product
but i get it not changing. we get stuck in our old thinking and ways.
i just updated pics in other journal with what the medi plants look like now
Pfft dude,

i'll change no issues there. But I gotta first finish my AN bottles :D I was actually asking because I wasn't sure I wanted to floer with AN but i guess for this grow I'll stay AN and change as the bottles run dry.. If M1 is on the market HERE. I'll look into it. But I think DG is doing really good also with a 2 part, with a pH balancer. not having to adjust pH is definetly the next nute move. Everyone is tired of that! and plus it's one less tester and probe to keep replacing...

well even his no ph stuff is a crock. we dont have his water source nor do we have his room set up that also regulates what ph we need to use. its sales marketing. not trying to say its shit, just its not what he says it is. what if you water ph is 7 or more. he may use ro water not all do. so now we need a 300 buck machine to use it the way he claims it works.

Green Planet will be at the trade show that Urban Garden Magazine is having in L.A. i know there was a couple skids of freebies sent. if your around go check it out and grab some.

heres the info to the show for any others attending or thinking of attending.

also in spain and UK next week as well
Actually dude I'm following this grow
It's a comparison between DG and GH! Granted i don't know shit really about nutes. My motto is KISS it! So if I can Keep It Simple that's what im gonna buy. I don like the 1 part concept thats as simple as it can get eh??

homebrewer attests that the pH balancing is dead on in his comparison, you may want to check it out..

i will as i havent tried that stuff yet. but what i know from making nutes is how i posted the info. it just dont jive to me. now this guy may use same ro set up..or has a relation to them so knows more info..just a guess is all there.
i will check that grow out. i like watchin others do their testing a link?