Medical Cannabis


Well-Known Member
i have a doctors note which allows me to have 10 mature and 20 immature plants and posess up to 3lbs of dried and/or processed flowers. im not exactly sure how i can perfect a system where i can utilize all of that plant space and the 20 immature plants and ammasing 3 lbs.n shit ,so i hastily set up my 26" x 50" about 8 sq ft. closet space for growing and threw 6 clones in there in september and im about to flower in a few days with the hps. im looking foward to learning newmethods of growing and setting up grow rooms so i will be able to meet my annual harvest yields that my doctors note allows. happy growing.:joint: heres some pics of snow cap and bubba kush in my closet.


Well-Known Member
Those look nice, mylar could be flatter. I take it you can buy clones?? What kind of spaces do you have? Budget etc. Thanx for the pictures we like pictures. Gold star time. The only way you would ever get to three pounds with 30 plants is outdoors. VV


Well-Known Member
i have another entire room (or closet) i can use for growing, but i dont know if i want to get a tent and turn the bedroom into a grow spsace and see if i cant fit 20 plants under it with a 1000 watt convertable system. otherwise ill take the less expensive route and set up the closet in there like my other one. im looking at digital ballasts and coolable hoods. and all my clones i buy at the med club


Well-Known Member
trust me, you can fit more then 20 plants under 1000 watt light. i've done it. if you have an extra bedroom you plan on turnin into a grow, DO IT!! LOL