Medical Card and Public Information


I suppose I should go take a look at Cal NORML, but does anyone here know to what extent the CA Medical Marijuana card/information is made public? I know someone that doesn't want to get his card because someone else told him that it becomes public information and his life insurance company could raise his premium under the guise of him being classified as a smoker? Sounds far fetched, but I do know the life insurance companies will give you the "smoker" rate if you test positive for THC...that I am positive about...but I can't imagine your life insurance (or health insurance) companies rasing your rates because you received a medical marijuana card.



Active Member
i doubt that it is public, because it has to do with a persons health, weed is your perscription, and thats covered under patient/doctor privledge.

and if companys raised your rates because of a medication, isnt that something like discrimination?


Active Member
Play it safe. If your worried then there might be a reason. Walmart can fire you for smoking medical MJ in Oregon. It's a prescription so you would think that it would be discrimination. They won't fire you for other pain meds. If it's not fed approved then you up sh!ts creek with no defense. Walmart won it's case in court so guess again. Be safe.

Here is another thought. Lets say you decide to get your pilots license (You may have never thought of it before but for some reason you get the bug and want to learn to fly) Well that is a federal privilege and how do you think they feel about that. Good luck.


Well-Known Member

Myth #2: As a medical marijuana patient your name will go on a federal list and it will show up under a background check which will effect you getting a job.

Your information is private under doctor patient confidentiality laws. Your name is not shared with anybody nor does your information get shared with federal, state, or local agencies of any kind.


Active Member
Myth #2: As a medical marijuana patient your name will go on a federal list and it will show up under a background check which will effect you getting a job.

Your information is private under doctor patient confidentiality laws. Your name is not shared with anybody nor does your information get shared with federal, state, or local agencies of any kind.

This is just not true! You can call the agency (in Oregon it's DHS) and request them to verify if an address, or persons full name is registered as an OMMP card holder and they will confirm with yes or no. This dose not sound very private to me. Now they won't just publish this info or hand over the info unless demanded by the courts, This also dose not sound very secure. Be safe.


Active Member
I'm just repeating what the agency told me and my wife, when my wife was applying and they told her to put me down as a caregiver so I would be protected too. When she asked about privacy and if it would adversely affect her/us, they said it was private and confidential and no one would know, not the insurance Co. or the police. When push further for where it was written, we were shown and told that all someone has to do is call to verify that you are on the list and they will confirm it yes or no.(I guess they don't feel this is against your privacy) This is how the police work here. They either fly over or someone reports a grower and before they come bashing in they call DHS and request that an address is on the list as a grow site (then they come in and do a plant count) or if your pulled over they can call in your name and request to see if you are on the list and current (of course you are supposed to have your card on you and grow site posted as well). And this is the policy today, things change over time and the records don't get destroyed. I'm not trying to be paranoid just cautious. I have been smoking for as long as I can remember and I don't consider myself a criminal. I don't need to turn myself in to some lame agency who is giving me permission to smoke and grow a plant in my yard and people jump through hoops to give them their info so that they can do what should be there right anyway. Fuc em. I'm just saying to be safe. If your not worried about it then go for it, but you can't take it back so I hope you’re doing the right thing.

I might be a bit older than some of you too. I learn by living and historically it has been proven that over the years many lists that has been created for one purpose with good intentions and then has been used by others to achieve their agenda. It is still not federally approved so you are still breaking the. Fed law trumps local law.


Active Member

This is just not true! You can call the agency (in Oregon it's DHS) and request them to verify if an address, or persons full name is registered as an OMMP card holder and they will confirm with yes or no. This dose not sound very private to me. Now they won't just publish this info or hand over the info unless demanded by the courts, This also dose not sound very secure. Be safe.

NOT ALL MMP ARE CREATED EQUAL!!! different states have different laws and loopholes... however, i do understand your point of just being cautious which is always a good thing....


I've always thought that your insurance company needed to know in order to obtain your card? Or does this vary from state to state? Theres no formal process in Washington so if anyone can clarify it would be great!


Active Member
I've always thought that your insurance company needed to know in order to obtain your card? Or does this vary from state to state? Theres no formal process in Washington so if anyone can clarify it would be great!

No, the insurance company "usually" cannot or does not obtain these information for you to get the MMP card unless you give it to them. Yes, different states have different laws and loopholes so it does vary from state to state...