Medical grow - WW and Cal Hash Plant


Well-Known Member
Hey WB, keep watching and I think you will be amazed. I figured it would be a dud as it was a freebie, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Would consider doing a grow of nothing but the strain next time around. You have a link to any pics of yours?


Well-Known Member
Harvest! Just cut them all down. The main kolas on the White Widows were cloudy trich'd and ready finally. Over the past couple of weeks I have had two mini harvests. The low down popcorn came through before the kolas and so I cropped a little then. Feels good to finally have the crop cut.

I am going to call the Hash Plant over-ripe. It ripened before the WW's and I think it should have been harvested a few weeks ago. Overall I have to say that the California Hash Plant from DinaFem is a great producer. Will have to see what the smoke is like, but if the looks are any indication...well it will be happy.

Been a good grow, and I am certainly pleased with the results. My medicine jars will be filled and I will have enough to carry me through to the middle of next year. Not sure on the total yield, but looking at what the popcorn produced in dry weight, it will be substantial. I have two card holders that will take any excess away.

Thanks everyone who checked out my mini journal here. There is more to come in the future.