Medical grows and landlord searches... Toss plants or give grow tours?


Active Member
I am currently flowering a legal medical grow, but my landlord does a annual maintenance examination of the apartments. Its either dissasemble when they come inspect, and let the girls die oudoors, or proudly give my landlord a tour of my legal medical grow.
I've reviewed the lease and manufacturing of controlled substances is not permitted unless provided by law, which in my case it is.

Should I dissamble if they investigate or give them a tour? Worst case I have to move within 30 days if I get evicted, but I could sue... Which I dont really want to do....


Well-Known Member
Being that your not breaking the law and therefore his property is in no danger of being torn apart by a swat team I don't really see what he could complain about. Being honest is the best way to show your doing nothing wrong.


I agree with ADHD. Plus, all that work just to let em die?? Who knows, your landlord might be in on the ganja too, you guys could become smoke buddies!


Active Member
my "landlord" is a leasing corporation or some crap, the ladies that come inspect from the office are far from "hip"

opinions? It's all legal but I'm gonna need some keif the day I give squares a tour of my grow I'll be so stressed...


Well-Known Member
As medical patients we don't even have the basic rights others do, we can't even medicate without crawling off in a corner and hiding. I would start looking for cardboard boxes and borrow or rent a van. Useful for either moving and hiding plants or moving when you're instantly evicted.

You can call the ACLU once your evicted, just don't expect them to do more than laugh.


Well-Known Member
I just gave my landlord a lo0k at ini outdo0r ishen plant he just wanted a copy of the 215 guidlines and i licence.,.,lovely cali


Active Member
word cb? thats what I hope will happen when they tour.
did you wait for them to find it or tell them up front?


Well-Known Member
wait'd for him the electrition he always used spot'd it and ran up his mouth.,.,.when he asked i he didnt kno wat it was.,.,but im no liar and im legal so0o0o0.,.,.


Active Member
I am currently flowering a legal medical grow, but my landlord does a annual maintenance examination of the apartments. Its either dissasemble when they come inspect, and let the girls die oudoors, or proudly give my landlord a tour of my legal medical grow.
I've reviewed the lease and manufacturing of controlled substances is not permitted unless provided by law, which in my case it is.

Should I dissamble if they investigate or give them a tour? Worst case I have to move within 30 days if I get evicted, but I could sue... Which I dont really want to do....
You may be legal for the state but it is still a federal offense... needless to say "forfieture of property" rings a bell. Not sure if your landlord is willing to take the risk. Now you have to decide what is important... a place to live or your plants?


Active Member
You may be legal for the state but it is still a federal offense... needless to say "forfieture of property" rings a bell. Not sure if your landlord is willing to take the risk. Now you have to decide what is important... a place to live or your plants?
good advice man.
keep it coming if anyone else has input!! this is helping me a bunch,



Well-Known Member
good advice man.
keep it coming if anyone else has input!! this is helping me a bunch,

Save the cash you would use to move and invest in some better seeds or lights or something you need for the next grow : ) :weed: either way you still need a place to grow. I say kill the ones you got going now and just do twice the size next time to make up for it haha


Well-Known Member
What makes you think what you are doing is legal when it is illegal under federal law? If he sees the grow op. he will likely toss you out on your ear. He does however have to give you 24 hours notice. Rent a U-Haul with a locking tailgate.


Active Member
I'd suggest a good sized U-haul truck parked in the lot with your plants inside while they inspect. It works. I've seen it first hand. Besides, people are used to seeing moving trucks their quite a bit. Buy some BIG cardboard boxes (the waredrobe sized or larger work well) box up each plant and put 'em in the truck. This is where growing in pots is helpful.

Hydro/Aero setups take a bit more work.

Move your goodies at night.


Active Member
thanks guys.. the van/truck idea is a good one... I am leaning a little towards cleaning it out for 24 hours, so any ideas on this, possible methods of storage, transport, etc.. Thanks for all the input so far, this will most def help if and when it comes down to it... I thougt about having a fellow grower watch them, but quickly dismissed any further thoughts like that... They will need to be stored somewhere off site, probably in darkness, about for 36 hrs.. But ill need to keep the temps constant and air moving... At this point it might be easier to water them and hike a mountain (in complete darkness) and ditch them under a shade tree.. thoughts? The stress will suck for mid flowering, but they could maybe be brought back inside after a day or two.. along with the pests they picked up.. ugh..

oh, and my pot grows in pots (thanks for asking). check my sig for the op I'm talking about in the thread. keep the good feedback coming! thanks!


Well-Known Member
bro i have friends that live in cali n they area ll doing legal grows... up to 12 plants per med card correct? yea well hes got 12, a little much for just him lol , but he would never take it down for anybody.. its very simple dont get a truck or pay a dollar or risk ur harvest!!! not worth it!! u HAVE a card right?? u r LEGALLY PERMITTED to GROW RIGHT?? any big housing corporation to even just a small landlord who owns one building, cannot deprive u of ur medicine... thats not legal. i would let them walk in n i would show them around the house 100% IGNORING the plants n just act like they arent there.. if they have shit to say, then u start showing ur card, n if they have anything else to say, tell em to whip out ur leasing contract.. theres nothing they can do bro.. its ur legal rights as an american citizen.. unless ur not from america.. then ur screwed lol.. but FUCK THEM!!!!!! grow ur weed brotha!!!!! they CANT DO ANYTHING.. u say u dont want to sue??? umm im pretty sure if its a corporation, they know what is legal and what is not, they arent going to put themselves in any position that u could take legal action against them... so either in ur contract u CANT grow.. or u CAN, given permission n a medical marijuana perscription card.. n if u CAN.. its america like i said bro.. they cant do ANYTHING AT ALL (as long as ur under ur legal limit, cali i belive is 8ounces of bud in ur house, or even on ur person when ur in the street, and up to 12 plants (flowering and veggin)) u got more than 12 plants or more than 8 ounces in ur apartment? if not LEAVE IT THERE!!!



Active Member
ha! you are like the evil side of my conscious personified! haha
yes I have a card, yes I am within my legal amount to grow, and nothing I have is a fire hazard or jeopardizes the building structure, but, as mentioned.. It is still federally illegal, though, a dispensary in Cali was recently awarded $250,000 to repay them for seized plants..


Well-Known Member
yea but a dispensery is putting out poundage out the fuckin butthole.. they have loopholes n different problems.. sometimes the gov just fucks up n they get the wrong store.. sometimes the store just fucks something up, resulting in IMMEDIATE punsihment... yes it is nationally n fedarlly illegal.. but it doesnt mastter bro.. that is what our country is for.. if it gives u rights, u stand behind them.. they'll stand behind u.. all day, everyday. ur rights say u can do that, anywhere in ur state, at any time.. the laws that protect u are the laws that this country was practically founded on.. everyone has equal rights. and if it constitutionally states that u can grow weed, by god grow ur weed man! dont give in.. dont ruin ur crop.. u'll b really upset.. especially once u find out that there r 5 other people in ur building who r growing n they said fuck the landlords come see my babies.. n they do, n they get away with it.. seriously u think everyone in cali moves their plants out of their homes evry year? nah.. dont think so bro lol