Medical Marijuana and Room Mates


Active Member
I have scoured the internet looking for information on this and I have yet to find a definitive answer.

My question is, I am moving out to Sacramento, CA in about a month and am ramping up to get my MMJ (any recommendations on doc's in the area?). My buddy that I am moving in with is an old old friend I trust with my life, but his job situation prevents him from being able to acquire his MMJ (environmental engineer of some sort). I wanted to know if there was a chance he could get into legal trouble if I am a medical user and grow under the restricted amount recommended to me (6mature, 12 immature). He would be my landlord and fully knowledgable of the grow, but considering the legal grey area, would not benefit from it at all (I dont wanna lose my priviledges since I need it). Could he still get in trouble, say if LE came around while I wasn't there (worst case scenario), but a copy of my recommendation is in the growroom? He is ok with it as long as I can ensure his safety (we both know the federal side of this and he is only concerned with the state side), so I need to know what could happen, if anything at all.

Thanks so much for any of you who can help me out.


Active Member
Nope. He'll be fine if you have your card. :)
Thats great news, but where can I find that in writing or something. Not that I don't trust you, but he will want to see it probably. I tried sb420 / Prop 215, but couldn't find anything. I even called Medicann today just to see what they say and they pointed me to safeaccessnow and all the county guidelines. No definitive answer from any of them, I couldn't even find another forum post on this topic. It blows my mind noone has had this question in over 10 years of the "legality" of MMJ. I want to do this right to prevent any bad repercussions, because I have a legitimate reason and have been self medicating for little more than a year with positive results. I am a semi new user and wouldn't be smoking otherwise (used to be straightedge, have 3 X's tattooed on me lol). I appreciate the answers and time taken to help me out. Thanks so much.


Active Member
the only thing you need to fear that goes bump in the night, is the DEA. just keep with in the guide lines and u'll be good.


Well-Known Member
I have scoured the internet looking for information on this and I have yet to find a definitive answer.

My question is, I am moving out to Sacramento, CA in about a month and am ramping up to get my MMJ (any recommendations on doc's in the area?). My buddy that I am moving in with is an old old friend I trust with my life, but his job situation prevents him from being able to acquire his MMJ (environmental engineer of some sort). I wanted to know if there was a chance he could get into legal trouble if I am a medical user and grow under the restricted amount recommended to me (6mature, 12 immature). He would be my landlord and fully knowledgable of the grow, but considering the legal grey area, would not benefit from it at all (I dont wanna lose my priviledges since I need it). Could he still get in trouble, say if LE came around while I wasn't there (worst case scenario), but a copy of my recommendation is in the growroom? He is ok with it as long as I can ensure his safety (we both know the federal side of this and he is only concerned with the state side), so I need to know what could happen, if anything at all.

Thanks so much for any of you who can help me out.

He absolutely could not get in trouble for his roomate cultivating marijuana. In fact, the only reason he could not use medical marijuana himself is because of RANDOM DRUG TESTING IN THE WORKPLACE. Until they create a drug test that somehow detects what your roomate is growing at home, I'd say you're good :)

If he needs further proof, contact Americans for Safe Access and let him speak with them. They're a group of hotshot lawyers that will give you expert legal advice for free. I have spoke with them and they are fabulous people.

PS--Sacramento PD are too busy with real crime to worry about a medical marijuana grow. Unless you are distributing it, or you are growing WAY over your legal limit, nobody will think twice about it. The police could probably even come into your home, see the marijuana grow, and would not even care about it if your paperwork is legit.

The only way you will lose your medical marijuana RIGHT (not privelage) is if you are distributing the marijuana. For them to prove this in a court of law would be difficult, because they would basically have to catch you in the act of making a drug transaction. Trust me dude, you and your roomate are going to be totally fine.

It's a mistake to regard medical marijuana as a privelage. The government doesn't give you any rights--we as people TAKE the freedoms we enjoy! Everybody in this country has the right to be well, both mentally and physically, and if marijuana is the wonder drug for your condition, it is your RIGHT to use it. The voters of the state of Cailfornia will back you up on this one :)