Medical Marijuana in Florida at last!!!!

Po boy

Well-Known Member
The reason the ammendment was written that way is that 2 prior attempts to legalize in Fl were killed in legislature without any hearing. So they decide to go this way ( no growing allowed) to take lot of arguments away from the opponents.
Once is legal as medicine then next steps will follow.

If somebody who has prescription grows it and get busted, I doubt how they can seriously persecute this person, lot of ammunition for defense like "the patient could not afford it" etc.

Medical MJ without growing is better than no MJ of all.

Once the train leaves the station in Fl there will be no stopping it !!
excellent point and well said. i'm ready to vote!


New Member
United for Care reports that they've collected 400,00 signatures so far, we're more than halfway there. Also one of their major supporters is matching $ for $ all contributions to the petition drive through Dec. 5.


New Member
Who the fuck is going to grow it. You know if you let the "gov" be the ones to produce they are just going to outright not do it. It happened in Jersey and it will happen in FL. It's a fucking plant. It needs taken off of the books and let everyone do with it what they will. You're going to vote yourself into a stalemate.


Active Member
Great news for Florida !

United For Care have 800 000 signatures !!! (Less than 700 000 needed) but they keep going until end of January 2014 deadline to get 1 000 000 just in case.

Pools show 82% bipartisan public support crossing party lines !

Florida will have more population than New York, matter of weeks or few months.

There is a sun in Florida most of the time, but lately the sun gets BRIGHTER and BRIGHTER!

GO F L O R I D A GOOOOooooooo...........


Well-Known Member
Those who can vote in Florida. We need to let Pam Bondi know that her seat is over, she challenged the petition that now has more than enough signatures to make the ballot in the Florida Supreme Court.
Write every politician in your region and let them know that they will not hold their office if they choose to campaign against Medical Marijuana they will lose your support, even if they never had it. Politicians
care about 2 things, contributions and votes of their constituents. Most of us cannot impact the first but we can impact the last. If the cannabis supporters 'single issue vote' we can remove all the politicians who
support prohibition and imprisonment. We have even earlier voting this year, the sooner you vote for the MMJ measure the more likely we'll get to election day with no question if it will be legal on Nov 5th.
We're almost there and polling at 82%!!!

From the Florida Medical 2014 Facebook page. AFAIK this page is directly affiliated with United for Care Florida, formerly PUFMM now funded by John Morgan.

"The nonprofit organization United for Care has garnered enough signatures to put their medical cannabis legalization initiative to a vote of the people in 2014. In total, roughly 800,000 signatures have been collected, with 683,149 required to put the initiative to a vote. However, given that some of those 800,000 signatures may not be valid (from someone who isn’t a registered voter, for example), the group will continue to collect signatures until their February 1st deadline.

Under the proposed law, the possession and use of cannabis will be legal for qualified patients who receive a license from the Department of Health. In addition, state-licensed dispensaries will be authorized to distribute cannabis to patients or their caregivers. Although specific diseases such as cancer are mentioned as qualifying conditions, physicians would have the ability to prescribe cannabis to anyone who they thought would benefit from it.

According to recent polling, Floridians overwhelmingly support medical cannabis, and are primed to make Florida the first state in the south to legalize it; a Quinnipiac University poll released in November found that an astonishing 82% of those in the state in support of legalizing medicinal cannabis, with only 16% opposed."


Active Member
Great post RetiredToker76 !

Phenomenal finish and performance by United for Care collecting signatures. They are going to hit 1 000 000 next week ! ! !

That should do !

Beware dinosaur Florida Politicians !



Well-Known Member
Too many drug kingpins make too much money trading bud for coke in fla. Hell, the politicians prob do the same thing, only it's easier for them to fly in the flower on their government paid private jets.


New Member
Yeah the big question here in fl is who is the state going to let grow it.As an Organic Farmer here in Gilchrist county we feel that the Florida Organic Growers,or F.O.G. should be the logical group to grow MMJ and we will be going to the legislature when the time is right to present our case.I have other post's here asking for support in the form of reasons why we should be the ones and if any of you have any stories antidotes or reasons why we should be the group to get the job done please email me or here

Gregory C. Brown

Legislatures here in Fl are not known for having common sense, but we will be trying all the same.
as mentioned here in this thread,the alternative would be inaction or un-implementation of the law,or turning it over to the agribiz giants like the evil Monsanto-big pharm-AMD corp (may they die a slow and painful death like they have caused to others).


Moved from Colorado to Florida and I have to say that it is disgusting how the Lawmakers in this state continually go against the peoples wishes, this is almost unheard of else where.
I also do not agree with people and patients not being able to grow their own medicine. They should be able to grow and under state law care takers should be able to provide this medicine to the
dispensaries like it is else where. We do not need to sit around and let people keep getting locked up for something they need...

I suffer from PTSD, GAD, Depression, and Nerve pain, and MJ is a wonderful Medicine... This herb is a true blessing for many many people.

I signed the partition and will be at the ballot in Nov 2014 to end this nonsense.

Also Thank you RetiredToker76 for the info on Pam Bondi, when I see that name I will vote for the other guy : ).
While we are at it we all need to try to overturn the New BONG/Pipe LAW.. What a Bunch of Retards running this state i tell ya...


New Member
Almost right on cue,the Florida Sheriffs ass. came out today saying the same old mis information that pot is a gateway drug to heroin and crack.Time to educate your local cops if thats possible.A closed mind is such a terrible thing.


Active Member
Yeah the big question here in fl is who is the state going to let grow it.As an Organic Farmer here in Gilchrist county we feel that the Florida Organic Growers,or F.O.G. should be the logical group to grow MMJ and we will be going to the legislature when the time is right to present our case.I have other post's here asking for support in the form of reasons why we should be the ....
First of all every patient should be allowed to grow. Who the hell are you trying to get in front of anybody else and even implying you should be solely chosen to grow getting a monopoly? We don't need another monopoly like liquer, tobacco and most government run enterprises.
If patients are not allowed to grow then ANYBODY in good standing paying licence fees should be allowed to grow.
This is not Cuba or North Korea (yet).


New Member
Yes I agree,everyone should be allowed to grow.In a perfect world,we would not be having this conversation,it would never have been made illegal in the first place.If there was a bill on the ballet for complete legalization I'd back it in a minute.

The reality of the situation here in fl is that they are not even going to consider letting ANY patient to grow their own. Bondi and her ilck are even talking about not letting anyone smoke it,only allowing concentrates and edibles,and only selling it in pharmacies.Basically like Canada's new rules.It looks to me that the fix is all ready in to give this new industry to multi million dollar "fictitious persons" who historically don't give a damn about anything but their bottom line.I am afraid,yes very afraid,the same folks that brought us GMO's,have poisoned every spring in the state with nitrogen runoff and Roundup WILL be the ones growing MMJ.
under this new plan,the Health Dept.will be in charge of the licensing and inspections.Most of these people don't have any training in agriculture,are notorious for being bought off for looking the other way and most are totally against MMj,overworked and underpaid and would not be my first choice to be burdened with something new and challenging as this.

F.O.G is not a monopoly,anyone can join.They only ask for a small donation.By the way I am not speaking for them.I am just a member gathering information.Check it out for yourself,my friend.
We,the farmers, PAY QVS to inspect our farms,out of our own pockets,to prove to anyone interested that we conform to all of the USDA Organic rules and only use products approved by OMRI,the Organic Materials Review Institute.I hope to work out some kind of deal to let them do the inspecting instead of the Health Dept. Yes I am aware the USDA will not be involved with MMJ until the plant is rescheduled.

I signed my real name,who the hell are you?

Collisto's Orbit

Well-Known Member
United For Care is claiming victory with over 1,000,000 signatures.

I have great news:

I believe we have collected the petitions we need to get on the ballot. Over 1.1 million in all.

This could not have happened without the amazing generosity of our thousands of donors - and in particular, our Chairman, John Morgan, who donated millions to this endeavor.

Literally thousands of volunteers contributed their time, collecting petitions in the rain and heat, on their weekends and holidays.

This is an enormous achievement - but even though we still await the ruling of the state Supreme Court, we need to get right back to work. We must shift this now into campaign mode - and help educate the millions of Florida voters who will hopefully be allowed to have a choice in November.

What we need now is volunteers and contributors who can help us make our case, door to door, online, and on TV.

If you would like to sign up to be a volunteer, please click here.
If you can make a contribution to the campaign, please click here.

Again - thank you for making this historic campaign possible.


Ben Pollara
Campaign Manager
United for Care