Medical pot excludes resin-based products

well yes, everyone who is in it for the lifestyle wants themselves and the people they know to get the best quality at the lowest prices. But you are aware that we make a very small minority when it comes to the amount of people who smoke. Those people who frequent the dispensaries most likely do not know anyone, or do not want anyone to know they smoke. For them, the dispensaries are turning out to be a life savor. My only issue with the dispensaries is the goddamned 25 mile rule. Other tha that, the are serving their purpose of providing meds and paying state taxes, it is giving cardholders an option. And the more taxes we bring in the closer legalization will come
And as much as I bitch about the dispensaries pricing, its still a little better than the alternative. Mexican brick stems and seeds, which fund the cartels and not Az

yeah if i didn't have access to any, i'd definitely pay the steep prices. i'd bitch about it but high priced, average meds are 100% better than none.

although the dispensary prices are too steep, one of the reasons i started growing was because over the years i lost track of all my doper friends and my work friends didn't know what i was into.

finding pot was a hit and miss thing. back then, i would have paid the high price just to have some around for when i needed some relief.

the high prices are here to stay until we legalize it. then volume might improve the situation.

at $400 an oz, no way i could afford the 3 oz or so a month i smoke/eat.

it's a cluster fuck.