"Medicare for all who want it"

No, you need to post the studies. You said "MULTIPLE SCIENTIFIC STUDIES" but all you posted were two charts with little context. The first one seems to be stating that there is more "remaining income" with the bernie/liz plan. However, it doesn't say if this is an average, or if it is a certain segment of the populace, such as families of four. Is it for people who make less than 100k per year, everyone making over 30k per year? What was the total cost estimated for this chart? You need to provide more info in order for me to analyze and explicate exactly what you're arguing.

The second chart is a fucking support poll.

I don't think you understand that I want single-payer, once costs are brought down and not before. It is not possible to nationalize one of the biggest expenses on the average person's wallet, without raising taxes. You're either going to pay the premium or the IRS. Nothing is free. At least now we have a choice. I can choose to take a low cost plan with deductibles and copays and that's fine since I'm healthy.

A much better option would be to expand medicare for those who actually want it. I'd take a small tax hike for that and consider it to be my civic duty. Taking away my choice and replacing it with a massive tax hike for full comprehensive coverage in a one-size-fits-all is not a savings for me or even for most people. It's just robbing Peter to pay Paul. I'm Peter and your Paul. I don't want Medicare and I don't want to pay for it.
Cars cost too much. We should just raise everyone's taxes and give them all eighty-thousand dollar Benzos since the per capita cost of transportation in the US is 100k.

Fuck you if you want a Camry and no tax hike.
About that choice you think you have..

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Forcing people to give up the heath care plans they like for an unknown and yet to be determined national healthcare policy is a political non-starter.

If citing individuals is what you want then how about this:

Warren is also a proponent of Medicare for All, and said at the last debate that private insurance should essentially be done away with. This worries Newton, who is concerned that it might spell the end of the supplemental insurance his union negotiated for that is coupled with his Medicare plan.

Nearly two-thirds of Democratic voters in early primary states think health care should include a public and private option, not only a public one, a CBS News Battleground Tracker poll found. And some unions have been vocal in their misgivings about the Medicare for All plans pushed by candidates like Warren and Sen. Bernie Sanders.

"We cannot support the notion that our members, who have employer-provided, union-negotiated healthcare, should be forced to give it away in favor of a government-run program," said Harold Schaitberger, general president of the International Association of Firefighters (IAF). "The elimination of employer-based insurance in favor of a Medicare-for-all proposal is bad idea that punishes working families who have been able to secure quality healthcare."

The IAF threw its support behind former Vice President Joe Biden, a defender of private insurance, days after he announced his candidacy. Other Democratic presidential candidates, such as Sen. Michael Bennet, warn that Medicare for All could alienate unions and divide the party.

You Bernie Bros are barking up the wrong tree. This is what Union members want addressed:

Over a half dozen local union leaders said their primary concern in this election is beating Republicans on "Right to Work" laws and getting Mr. Trump out of the White House. Newton agrees, saying he could even vote for Sanders or Warren if they demonstrate that they have the best chance of beating the president.

"Medicare for those who want it" is a better policy in today's political climate.
I work with physicians in numerous countries in OR’s & Cath-Labs so I’ve seen, 1st hand, how different healthcare systems play out. Obviously, some countries do better than others, but I have not been real impressed with socialized medicine overall. I would rather be on Medicaid or Obamacare in the U.S. than have free healthcare in most other countries.

In countries, like Argentina, that have both private hospitals & socialized medicine, no one there in their right mind would go to a government-owned hospital if they had the choice.

And in the U.S., although there are plenty of great physicians in the VA system, patients just don’t have access to the same standard of care. You will typically wait much longer for treatment & have fewer treatment options. The V.A. system is overburdened & less efficient because it’s funded by taxpayers & a government-run program.

I think everyone should have access to healthcare & I hate to sound like a selfish prick, but I don’t feel bad for wanting the very best healthcare for me & my family.
I work with physicians in numerous countries in OR’s & Cath-Labs so I’ve seen, 1st hand, how different healthcare systems play out. Obviously, some countries do better than others, but I have not been real impressed with socialized medicine overall. I would rather be on Medicaid or Obamacare in the U.S. than have free healthcare in most other countries.

In countries, like Argentina, that have both private hospitals & socialized medicine, no one there in their right mind would go to a government-owned hospital if they had the choice.

And in the U.S., although there are plenty of great physicians in the VA system, patients just don’t have access to the same standard of care. You will typically wait much longer for treatment & have fewer treatment options. The V.A. system is overburdened & less efficient because it’s funded by taxpayers & a government-run program.

I think everyone should have access to healthcare & I hate to sound like a selfish prick, but I don’t feel bad for wanting the very best healthcare for me & my family.
Hmmmmmmm who should I trust an abundance of data proving socialized healthcare costs less and gets better results or an Internet trumptard pretending to play nurse

So tough
Hmmmmmmm who should I trust an abundance of data proving socialized healthcare costs less and gets better results or an Internet trumptard pretending to play nurse

So tough
