Medicated ice water bubble hash butter for the holidays


People who were alive and smoking hash back then are really the only ones who can truly know -because they were there.
Frenchy Canoli makes some good hash for sure, but the soft, black hash that we used to get...the flavor was maybe a billion times "stronger" tasting....maybe even a trillion. Hash under glass, anyone? ;)

Those who know, know. ;)
Chilled glass fresh from the freezer!
If the wheel rolls why change the design?
From what I was told by an old hippie 30 years ago, there were different grades of hash. 00 hash was made from keif that fell onto a plate of glass or polished stone from budded branches after just two claps of the hands holding the branch. So only the outer trichomes. Then that branch was set aside and the process continued until enough collected to be pressed. Then the grades go down from there. It was the same technique used everywhere hash was produced… Lebanon, Afghanistan, Nepal, etc… or so I was told.
If the wheel rolls why change the design?
Same methods. Dry sifting & Cold water extraction . Frenchy actually talked about where somewhere they would spend all day taking the branches and lightly rubbing them to collect resin on the palm of their hands that would eventually be rolled into3,4 and 5 g amount to be sold for theyre days work. He said that was the absolute best he’s had
The softer Nepalese was hand rolled, they rub their hands up and down the buds and wad up the resin. The lighter Colored Moroccan and Lebanese is pressed kief. Easy to make just crush dried flower in one of these coffee baskets and shake the loose kief on parchment paper. I press it in a copper tube with pennies, identical to the blonde we had in the 70’s. Probably had to do with climate, foggy mountains or arid desert.
Personally, I think it's that^^^ and also because the old, landrace strains that were exclusive to a specific region, often had lower THC levels but they also had a much stronger smell/terpene. It was the strong smelling strains that got selectively bred out of existence by modern methods, because the strong smelling plants were a dead giveaway to where there was an (at the time) illegal grow going on. And they sent people to prison for that kind of thing. Breeding out the strong smelling strains while increasing the THC levels became the goal if you planned on not getting caught. Flavor and smell took a back seat for many generations of plants.

God bless those growers for continuing to grow in spite of the threat of prison back then. It was a sad circumstance that they had to do what they needed, in order to minimize their risk. Hopefully, some of the old landrace strains that had the strong smells will be found and make a comeback. And when they do, I'm pretty confident that people will realize a major difference and see that it was never just a matter of increasing the THC content to make a more potent high.

I tell younger people this all the time....If anyone thinks that "stronger" weed means higher THC levels, then just go out and get a pure THC isolate (like a Wizard Stone, for example) and dab it. You'll see that THC isn't "the" thing. In fact, I'd wager that most probably wouldn't like it. It certainly didn't make me feel "high". It made me feel a bit uncomfortable and it wasn't cozy and warm at all. I wouldn't even associate the feeling with getting high by using pure THC. It's a whole other thing.
I guess this is why people still search for those OG true Skunk strains
I guess this is why people still search for those OG true Skunk strains
Absolutely! I have a clear memory of the time a friend of mine walked into a party with a baggie of that in his Levi's jean jacket (with peace symbol patches) and it filled the entire room as if a real skunk had been nearby. But, while it smelled like skunk, it wasn't repellant at all. It was delicious, in fact. That's what was so different. It was certainly a different experience from smoking the Mexican brick weed that most of us always had on us.
Like the way they used to make it thru very fine mesh screens with a tapping sifting motion and a press!
Way back when you used to be able to get black temple ball hash was opium infused and was soooooo good!
I make carmel candies with my butter and they last a long time in the freezer or fridge and you can make them as soft or hard as you want by the heat you go to
1. 1 pound canna butter
2. 4 cups brown sugar
3. 2 cups light corn syrup
4. 2 cans sweetened condensed milk
5. 1 Tsp vanilla

Put everything but the vanilla in a big sauce pan and slowly heat up as you don’t want to heat it too quickly or the butter will separate from the rest of the stuff. Once it has slowly melted then just keep slowly turning up till you’re at a steady medium boil and let cook till it reaches your desired heat range. Soft ball form is like 230 but I normally take them to 240-245 makes them a bit firmer but this is all personal preference so once you make it few times you will get it down to we’re you prefer. After you reach the desired temp turn off heat and slowly add the vanilla and the vanilla is totally optional I normally don’t add it. Once it’s all done carefully pour it into a big baking sheet and toss in the fridge to set.
I sometimes add sea salt to half the pan

there is so many good carmel recipes online and you can use any of them.
My wife makes golden grams s’mores treats that are amazing that could be made with canna butter.
When she gets home I will post her recipe

If anyone has a good gummy bear recipe that doesn’t turn out like jello bears please share. I’m looking for one that comes out like a sour patch kid consistency and not the jello type.
Thank you and happy holidays everyone
I make carmel candies with my butter and they last a long time in the freezer or fridge and you can make them as soft or hard as you want by the heat you go to
1. 1 pound canna butter
2. 4 cups brown sugar
3. 2 cups light corn syrup
4. 2 cans sweetened condensed milk
5. 1 Tsp vanilla

Put everything but the vanilla in a big sauce pan and slowly heat up as you don’t want to heat it too quickly or the butter will separate from the rest of the stuff. Once it has slowly melted then just keep slowly turning up till you’re at a steady medium boil and let cook till it reaches your desired heat range. Soft ball form is like 230 but I normally take them to 240-245 makes them a bit firmer but this is all personal preference so once you make it few times you will get it down to we’re you prefer. After you reach the desired temp turn off heat and slowly add the vanilla and the vanilla is totally optional I normally don’t add it. Once it’s all done carefully pour it into a big baking sheet and toss in the fridge to set.
I sometimes add sea salt to half the pan

there is so many good carmel recipes online and you can use any of them.
My wife makes golden grams s’mores treats that are amazing that could be made with canna butter.
When she gets home I will post her recipe

If anyone has a good gummy bear recipe that doesn’t turn out like jello bears please share. I’m looking for one that comes out like a sour patch kid consistency and not the jello type.
Thank you and happy holidays everyone

This was the best gummy recipe I could find that did not use jello, consistency came out great and they were shelf stable so no need to refrigerate. Only thing I couldn't nail down was dosage as I used homemade RSO instead of a distillate.


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If you are trying to figure out dosage I use these molds and that recipe makes about 150 of these.


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This was the best gummy recipe I could find that did not use jello, consistency came out great and they were shelf stable so no need to refrigerate. Only thing I couldn't nail down was dosage as I used homemade RSO instead of a distillate.
Thank you for these recipes. Will need to give some gummy’s a go
The softer Nepalese was hand rolled, they rub their hands up and down the buds and wad up the resin. The lighter Colored Moroccan and Lebanese is pressed kief. Easy to make just crush dried flower in one of these coffee baskets and shake the loose kief on parchment paper. I press it in a copper tube with pennies, identical to the blonde we had in the 70’s. Probably had to do with climate, foggy mountains or arid desert.
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Here is hash from my black micron with a end freshly cut. Hand pressed & how I like to finish it


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Keepin it frosty. All stocked up ready for more ice water bubble to be made for the holidays


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