So Il have 12 plants so the test tent will be revegging from harvest, havent done that before. Will need to keep cuts in the fridge for 8 weeks. I was going to test it now but only got 5 days before I decided to plant them.
They were in wallaby bags nothing more just cut and seal with minimal air. They looked crispy as hell so I have high hopes it will work. Thats two ways I can mother a test plant in test tent. Oh 3 ways because I will be grafting as much as I can while I can.
Starting to step into the advanced grow realm of things. So far the fridge cuts look fine. Google is saying yes and no that season could impact rooting of cuts. Not cannabis specific, just what ever could get it to do some of the searching for me.
So my latest cuts are 3 wks old no roots so Im nervous like never before. I dont think I cloned during winter since I had a method on lock. The longest it took was 2.5 wks and I suspect due to copper spray for pm IPM.
Maybe the copper wasnt it but they yellowed in a week vs only right before rooting so I still think so. They only yellow hard if it didnt root when it was supposed to but still see signs of knuckling up before the strike.
Any insight let me know, will say its 10F cooler and 20rh dryer due to winter. Plugging most of this into google was saying both yes and no. I dont always answer my qs that way but yea. I had to inlcude propegation dome and mat to get it to understand. I know one around here said yes.