8 more days. It had lots of whites that turned ripe like overnight this last week. Another week should close it up pretty much 95% done good with me. I got really bad botritus week 6 there were already advanced infections fuzz everywhere. Some spots incredibly fuzzy. So 5 full weeks must of got infected
Well its about 8 full weeks so Im good. Just giving a good 9 wks. IME if its not done its probably bugs root rot. Somethin off, not just a plant wanting more time. I got it 100% done a few times and there were no issues, white root ball. The PM must of started in a crowded veg cabinet and spread to the rest of garden that was about 7 or 8 wks full.
It hit every plant that wasnt fanned up at all. The lst plant it took was about a week or two later as it wasnt bad for a mini space exausted well. But still not quite pm resistent it still got it. Well two months later no pm take what you will with that. I took it as Im good but if one plant gets it Im tossing that whole tent.
It will keep popping up until you treated it with copper or potassium bicarb long enough which is for veg anyway.