Medium question


Active Member
hey guys any body ever grow solely in expanded clay pebbles im trying new things and i have fifteen 14 in. clones in a 2x4 tray filled to the lip with the rototon (NOW DONT GET ME WRONG I DO KNOW AND UNDERSTAND THE WEIGHT ISSUE) roots of all the plants have intertwined and are holding the pebbles quite tightly together also i have created a 4 legged stand that will be holding a web of string just about the tops of the plants i plan to guide the colas into the web as they flower im running 400 MH with an LED panel added as a test on one side of the tent one week into flowering already, vapor carbon air cleaner and total organic grow im just wondering if anyone has done this successfuly and if they have any tips for me im expecting the roots to hold the whole damn tray of balls together will be a nice mess at harvest time tho hehe


Active Member
So i guess im must be real stupid to do this if no one has an opinion ive been trying to be a part of this site for a little while now but i dont feel very welcome here ohh well i guess ill just stick with the other forum site just a shame that the people on this one seem alot more knowlegable and ill miss out on the chance to learn more .....take care and happy holidays to all of you.....


Well-Known Member
I know of people that have grown in strictly hydroton....they used big bathtubs basically....It worked....but it was a lot of clay pebbles....better off to use net pots next time but this should work for ya this time

Remember the only stupid question is an unasked one