MedScientists Project - Master LED's

Some nice led growing going on in here.....................interested in this new run with those cob/smd? panels.........why are you using clear cups?? light&roots don't mix well:P

good luck and be safe grower

Hehehe... Dont BELIEVE everything you Hear! I was also told those 1/2 Gallon containers couldnt grow 5 ft Trees! WRONG!

Thanks for the Rep! I HOPE you are having an McFreakinAwesome ThanksGiving!

Yeah ive seen people grow in clear 2 liter pop bottle and get fine results. hahaha.

Only way to know in this game is to do your own scientific tests. People said snowstorm ultra didnt work and i tried it and saw a night and day difference.
Yeah ive heard they all work well but people say that since theyre plant growth hormones/ plant growth regulators that when you smoke the bud you are smoking the same chemical that you fed them. These are the same people who flush for 2+ weeks. Its all education through my own studies. People who sell to dispensaries use them and im pretty sure any reputable dispensary runs it through a GC machine to make sure it doesnt have any bad chemicals sprayed on it. haha.

How does gravity affect your plant?? Never used it but am willing to add it if it makes a significant improvement. Snow storm made my buds alot more dense and... Not more thc percentage to say but it gave them a very coated look. Went from frosty to straight coated. Made it smoke stronger too. It was almost like instead of increasing the amount of thc in each trich it increased the # of trichs. Never went back. Little 10 dollar bottle lasts me 6 months to a year depending on the strain and how much they can handle without burning. haha
I found I liked my bud better without gravity and didn't see a drop in yield that I noticed. Bushmaster is really amazing stuff. Stops vertical growth in its tracks at the start of flower and cuts time till harvest date. At least from my experience.
thanks for the info. Ive heard gravity increases density but snow storm did that for me 10 fold. Really helps yield cause you loose so much less weight when drying.

Ive been wanting to try bushmaster cause people almost complain about it keeping their plants too short haha.
Hehehe... Dont BELIEVE everything you Hear! I was also told those 1/2 Gallon containers couldnt grow 5 ft Trees! WRONG!

Thanks for the Rep! I HOPE you are having an McFreakinAwesome ThanksGiving!


Yeah ive seen people grow in clear 2 liter pop bottle and get fine results. hahaha.

Only way to know in this game is to do your own scientific tests. People said snowstorm ultra didnt work and i tried it and saw a night and day difference.

Ahhhh you guys are using synthetic ferts.............the salt will basically kill/sterilize your medium anyway......... so root rot and benificial bacteria are non-issues for you growers. Clear cups are a go!!!lol

hope everyone had a safe holiday.
I DO use Jacks Proffesional Hydroponics + CalcNitrate, but I also use H2O2 in most feedings as I LOVE a Sterile Res. I also use Tap water direct from the tap, no more letting the Chlorine evaporate.

I have several Samples of the Snow Storm, Snow Storm Ultra, and some of the other stuff? I need to dig all that stuff out so you Guys can teach me how to use them!

WooHoo! So I FINALLY Got the NEW DIY AutoWater/Drain System in Place with ALL the rooms plants under the 3 - Bud Boss 151's for now. The plants have been neglected in the Build-Out, so I want to bring them to LIFE before spreading them out.



I still need to prepare the Lids for the other 2 Stations in the back, but the are allready plumbed and working Well!


Once I got the Bud Boss Station Set-Up and Loaded, I took pics for My Journal. I watched jigfresh's video and noticed how well his plants were doing within 10 inches of his Panels, so I immediately lowered my LED Panels to 12 inches. WooHoo!


hahaha i was just lookin at all your guys panels height the other day to try to figure out how low im gonna put mine. I ended up with about 6-8 inches away from the light. Hope that isnt too close! im watching for any signs of bleaching. You guys should be good though!!!
Looking good med. I like the setup. Them gals should be happy now that things are set.
budbro, I've had my lights just a few inches from the plants for over a week. Maybe 2-3 inches, and all looks good. Really good.
Thanks for the confidence JIG! I figured since the light was dispersed evenly that theyd be fine that close, might had to drop em a little closer i already got some side branches and theyve been under it for 11 days and transplanted once so possibly shocked. Cant wait to see what these thangs can do in flower!!!
I WISH I was in 12/12 RIGH NOW, these LED Panels are Performing McFreakinAwesome! The plants are pulling out of their Funk from Neglect!

looking good man, sorry havent stopped in for a bit, been busy with the holidays n such

That OKay, you are back now! WooHoo! We even saved your Seat! Jig-E-Fresh has been Hoarding the Bong, but it should be coming back around anytime!

Looking good med. I like the setup. Them gals should be happy now that things are set.
budbro, I've had my lights just a few inches from the plants for over a week. Maybe 2-3 inches, and all looks good. Really good.

Yes, like EXTREMELY GOOD! I think EVERYONE lowered their Panels after Seeing YOUR Journal! WooHoo!

I am TOooo Pooped to finish the room tonight but I will Snap some pics later! WooHoo! Thanks for stopping in!

I see you've been busy.

Lookin Gooooooood

I use hydro halo drip rings to get more even distribution which produces better root balls, especially near the top, which helps anchor the plant
yea i lowered my panels down to, the plants are loving it. Never seen nodes this tight before even with high wattage MH.