Mega Crop 3.o is shipping, also Mega Crop Part A and Part B

No, think they cut molasses. It doesn't turn dark when mixed, they might use a raw sugar, or just less sugar.
The seaweed is the only coloring now, gets a bit darker after a couple minutes.
I hope the new 2 part kicks ass for folks.

Like MC, the 2part contains silica....but it only equates to 1 or 2 ppm at normal dosages.

I've used MC v1, 2, 3....
Currently using Jacks.
Hahaha I love this thread this is great I brought up all these issues when megacrop first started. Some shills and the owner or at least some guy acting like the owner flipped out on me. Now 2 versions later they are doing exactly what I said. And now that people are actually using megacrop it's getting bad reviews it's funny how they got tons of good reviews when they gave the stuff away for free and attacked anyone who had an issue.
Hahaha I love this thread this is great I brought up all these issues when megacrop first started. Some shills and the owner or at least some guy acting like the owner flipped out on me. Now 2 versions later they are doing exactly what I said. And now that people are actually using megacrop it's getting bad reviews it's funny how they got tons of good reviews when they gave the stuff away for free and attacked anyone who had an issue.

Well I have a customer who is getting 2lb dry per light with version 2 so not sure what problem people had. This isn't just a few lights or a tent grow but 30+
The two part sounds interesting but I'm tired of being a guinea pig for all their new formulations. I switched to the floraflex line a few weeks ago. I will say I really like how stable my pH has been and clean too it makes a clear solution. Time will tell on how much I like the nutes.
Well I have a customer who is getting 2lb dry per light with version 2 so not sure what problem people had. This isn't just a few lights or a tent grow but 30+
I know it's the 3rd time you said that is he your only friend? You also said he was using other products with it which proves that it doesn't really work
Here it is what additives does he have to use to make megacrop work properly?

I can tell you what he normally buys from me but no clue what his feed schedule is. He's taking 1/2 of the MC 10kg I just ordered for my shop. If the product dont' work for you, it don't work for you but I hear that everyday where some customers hates GH as they can't get more then 1.25 dry then I guys who get 2+ with GH. Same goes for every food line AN, Remos, Green Planet and ETC...

What's the common thing between those that get good results. They have propoerly set up grow rooms with dialed in environmental conditions and they know how to garden and pay attention to their plants.
ooh that 2 part looks like it might be a good bloom formula. The regular is great for veg but not so much for flowering, it works but get too many leaves from the extra nitrogen in it. The 2 part is matching jacks in content so yeah, might be great for that!
There's not gonna be any one part nutrient that will give you "magic" yields get real.
that's what they advertise. take it up with MegaCrap. from their website: What sets MEGA CROP apart from other nutrients is the completeness of the formula with everything you need right here. In creating MEGA CROP, we set out to combine the most effective and popular additives, supplements and boosters all into one formula to help you save and get the best results.

hope they are paying you well for your sycophantic rants about it.
So your saying don't buy megacrop unless you buy additives with it
I like their new slogan "it's the only part nute that you need to add multiple additives to it to make it work"

and i agree with you @Ryante55 that one grower on here when they first started doing there free giveaway was definitely a shill for them. can't remember his name atm.
that's what they advertise. take it up with MegaCrap. from their website: What sets MEGA CROP apart from other nutrients is the completeness of the formula with everything you need right here. In creating MEGA CROP, we set out to combine the most effective and popular additives, supplements and boosters all into one formula to help you save and get the best results.

hope they are paying you well for your sycophantic rants about it.

Where does it say you'll get the biggest yields ever? If you can grow with it all the way through its a one part.