Men Outnumber Women Among American Rape Victims

Oscar Zeta Acosta

Active Member
i think i was raped last night.

so unclean...the dirt, it wont come off! im a stones throw away from rocking back and fourth in the shower.


Well-Known Member
always carry your shank, a razor blade taped up on one side in your mouth and a long toothbrush filed down in your ass. fool cant rape if hes dead, femoral artery takes just a nic, carotid a little bit more, but those two sites will maintain your rectal integrity. dont even think about feeling sorry for tha bitch bleeding out on your cell floor, just see how many of his teeth you can kick out before he stops breathing. self defense what can they do put you in solitary? at least fuckers will know fucking with you is risking life.


Well-Known Member
get caught with a shank and get more time added on, that is the point of this thread..the system is retarded..send a regular dude to prison for a few years and he comes out much worse then when he went in...because he has to be.. see the flawed logic in this? the ones that come out are either more angry and violent or rape victims or both..great system.


Well-Known Member
yep, a brother of mine went in fr a bs 18mo charge, got out 9 years later, he just got his second dui, going back for another year. he says the only way to survive is to kill at times, at the least be willing to kill, or lead someone out to get killed. hes got bad ptsd from being there, and id rather the cops shoot me than haul me off to jail.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
of all the things that the US gets wrong, the prison situation is the most detrimental to society. humane conditions in prison are a hard sell (no pun intended).

on a related note, has anyone seen the "lockup world tour" when they showed israel? that shit blew my fucking mind. kitchens on each cell block, guards who shook hands with inmates, fucking 5 day furloughs, conjugal visits, women who give birth in prison keep the babies in the prison nursery, petting zoos...i was completely beside myself. the prisoners prepare food for the guards and the guards have such complete trust that it's a complete non-issue. there was a very noticeable lack of animosity between inmates and staff. it was like day and night compared to american prisons.

it's as if they are actually trying to rehabilitate people and return them to society in a condition where they will be of some value. what a concept.


Well-Known Member
Never saw it, but I saw the russians...they have inmates that killed 30 people and ate them and even these animals fall in line and do as they are rapes no drugs nothing..think it was in siberia...we have hands down the most fucked up least in venezuala and mexico they don't invest money in there shitty system..the average us prisoner costs about 35 k ..HA! what a total waste of revenue.