Merry Mithras


Well-Known Member
If anyone is wondering where the idea that the Mushroom was related to Mithra came from, this was not something I made up after looking at a few photos, and it is not something I found on some conspiracy website that people are probably thinking I found it from. This ideas that I have been sharing (Merry Mithras) came from reading 2 books (Main;y 2, but other contributed). First is "Mushrooms, Myth and Mithra: The Drug Cult that Civilized Europe" by Carl A. P, Ruck, who is fairly well known in this field (Mythology and Entheogenic plants rituals). Many people don't realize this, but when Archaeologists dig they find things like Ancient board games, and weird shaped weights that are meant to be used on scales, and before anyone knows how the games or weights work, someone has to come in and figure out what they are. Because sometimes they just look like nothing. Carl A. P. Ruck does similar work, but he works to find out what plants they are talking about in ancient myths.

In his book he lays out this connection:

1. Mithra was "Born from a stone" or "Born from a Pine cone", and when the Amanita is in its premature stage it looks like a little white rock or Pine cone. This is sometimes called the "Cosmic Egg" in myth.

2. Mithra has a red cape and a red Phrygian cap. The Phrgian cap itself has been traditionally made from a Fungus, and the Amanita has a very bright red cap. This hat is now most well known as a "Santa Hat".

3. The Amanita Muscaria Mushroom grows under the Pine tree, and the Mithra worshipers used to decorate pine trees in the Woods for Mithras. So the same way people bring a tree in their house and decorate it today, they used to decorate the tree outside and wait for stuff to appear under it magically. Or, grow under it.

Then he goes on to show the different connections throughout the various cultures, and he explains the rituals with the bulls, etc.

The Second Book is called "The Mysteries of Mithras: The Pagan Belief That Shaped the Christian World". But that is kind of a whole other topic, even though it is the same topic. So i will post that later.

I have been sharing a lot of stuff about Red and White Mushrooms for the religious holiday coming up (they are known as Amanita Muscaria or Fly Agaric Musrooms), and I posted a meme about how the Chukchee people wait for Reindeer to eat Amanita Muscaria mushrooms, then they collect their urine and drink it. But now I am going to share more science behind these mushrooms, as well as other "Magic Mushrooms" people use around the world.

Amanita Muscaria mushrooms are legal in most places, and they are well known for being the "Alice in Wonderland" mushrooms, and "Smurf/Gnome Houses" or Fairy/Toad Chair/Stools. They can be found in various myths around the world, and have been used to turn people in to Warriors and Werewolves (one Native American culture has stories of how they used to be able to turn in to wolves, and they have saved tapestries that their ancestors made with Amanitas on them.

Amanita Muscaria grows pretty much all over the world. You can find them in Oregon, or Siberia, and I am pretty sure England. Those are specific places, but there are tons of places you can find them. The Molecule inside the Mushrooms that has effects is known as "Ibotenic Acid". Ibotenic acid does not actually have any effects unless it is broken down. This is why the Chukchee people drink the Urine of the Reindeer, because then it has already been fully broken down and has its full effects. Amanita has been reported to be effective even after 6 passes through the human body. There is a book written about a theory that Jesus may have had a supply of mushrooms and was sharing his Urine, but it is just a theory.

To break down the Amanita structure you would "Decarboxylize" it. I think this can be done by cooking it in to bread or something, but the way I have read they do it in a lab is by taking Ibotenic acid and Refluxing it. This means they boil it, but have coils of cold water above the boil. The steam gets directed towards these coils, and the steam becomes liquid and drips back down. This does something like the stomach and breaks it down.

The Amanita Muscaria is not said to have many Visual effect, but it can distort the size of things. Meaning, it can make you feel taller than you are (Mario), or make things feel smaller in your hands or bigger in your hands than usual, etc.

Another legal Mushroom that has been used by some cultures are the "Puffball" mushrooms. They do not cause visuals, only Auditory hallucinations, meaning you will hear things. The specific kinds of Puffballs that have been used Culturally are: Lycoperdon, Bovista and Calvatia

Then there are "Magic Mushrooms" or "Shrooms", these are Psilocybin mushrooms, they are illegal to grow unless you are in New Mexico (where it is legal to grow them for personal use) and I think in Florida you are allowed to possess them as long as they are not dry, because they grow so commonly in the cow fields and sometimes people don't even realize they picked those kind.

Panaeolus Mushrooms are very similar to Psilocybin mushrooms, but they are legal to grow as long as you are just growing them for fun and not as a manufacturing type thing. And they are legal to possess as long as no one can prove you have any intent to do anything with them (meaning, don't have them dried out or bagged up like a drug dealer, unless you are a drug dealer and this is not written for you).

Amanita Muscaria Mushrooms have a very high dose, like 10+ Grams. You can probably use less if you cook them. And don't take more than like 20 Grams, because taking too much can become poisonous, but you have to take a LOT.

"Magic Mushrooms" or Panaelus mushrooms have doses between 2 grams and 5 grams, depending what you want from it.

This is not a recreational guide, this is only being posted because it is Mithras season, and I want people to be safe while practicing the religious holiday.








Ive grown those fuckers before, they can be HEAVY BEASTS. Theres a particular strain of it i want to isolate from the Catalunyan Pirinees.
I dont think they are as potent as cubensis and a bit harder to fruit indoors. I prefer cubes, amanitas mainly play on your perception feel i found. Its kind of like a ''kids'' hallucinogen. After knowing hat i know now i wish that amanbitas had been my first ever hallucinogenic experience.
Amantia muscaria can be highly poisonous to humans.

Certain individuals can have weaker resistance to the mushroom, when grown in nature,than others

Either way, severe sickness or death can occur.

Unlike regular "magic mushrooms", fly amantia, amantia muscaria, can potentially kill you with a very small dose

Telling people on the net to eat and I quote "ten grams" is the most dangerous, I'll informed crap I've hheared outta you yet.

Do NOT eat the red and white spotted shrooms, please, lol.

Or any mushroom found in nature, unless you TRULY know what your doing.
Amanita Muscaria Mushrooms have a very high dose, like 10+ Grams. You can probably use less if you cook them. And don't take more than like 20 Grams, because taking too much can become poisonous, but you have to take a LOT.

Ye the very first idea i have of those mushrooms is people telling me they were poisonous from childhood. When i took them i took about 250g fresh in a milkshake.
Amantia muscaria can be highly poisonous to humans.
Certain individuals can have weaker resistance to the mushroom than others

Either way, severe sickness or death can occur.

Unlike regular "magic mushrooms", fly amantia, amantia muscaria, can potentially kill you with a very small dose

Telling people on the net to eat and I quote "ten grams" is the most dangerous, I'll informed crap I've hheared outta you yet.

Do NOT eat the red and white spotted shrooms, please, lol.

Or any mushroom found in nature, unless you TRULY know what your doing.

I do get your point but when it comes to telling people to go and do mushrooms i open an exception. I think taking mushrooms should be a rite of passage and learning to use them throughout your life as important as learning mathematics.
Some people may have heard of the "Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" book from the 70s and thought I was talking about that. If you have not heard of that Book, it was a book by a Professor named John M. Allegro, and in the book he tries to say that Jesus never existed and that the Amanita Muscaria Mushroom was the actual Jesus. This part of his book caused a media frenzy and the idea was picked apart and considered crazy.

But since that book was written, more things have been discovered that proves some of his other ideas. He was probably wrong about Jesus being a myth about a personified Mushroom, but now we know that he was most likely right about Fertility cults and Mushrooms cults starting modern Religion.

The book "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" was reprinted in 2009, and Carl A. P. Ruck wrote a more articulate version of John Allegro's ideas.
Can you unsuck a dick?
No, once a dick has been sucked, it cannot be un-sucked. The person having sucked said dick will forever be left with the stigma of having a dick in, and around, their mouth. Furthermore, common knowledge of this dick sucking incident will result in future ridicule and perhaps complete alienation from ones social community. Due to this permanent nature of dick sucking, the decision to suck and/or lick a dick must not be taken lightly.
Fifteen dried caps can be fatal, and the potency can vary 15 times higher than normal from summer to fall.

Although, in recent times there's beeen no deaths virtually except a few children and people eating them to get high

It's honestly no more dangerous than heroin, or coke or whatever ( shitty yay around latly :() , but I don't advise everyone try it either.
So now people are probably wondering how exactly Mithra connects to Christianity. You have seen the connection between the Christmas tree, and the Presents and the Mushroom. But Mithra himself has not been explained as a God.

Mithra can be traced back to one of the earliest religions (before Monotheism was invented by Zoroaster) where he is known as Mica or Mehr. Mithra was and is the God of Promises and Contracts, which is why Christmas Holidays have always been associated with gift giving. Mithra, being the God of promises and contracts, was commonly involved in Marriage. If you noticed, the people in the New Testament pretty much died in jail and stuff, but Christianity is very focused on Marriage. During the Time of Paul, Mithraism was popular. It had made its way all the way from Persia, to Greece, to Rome and Mithraism was one of the last Pagan religions to survive in the Roman empire because it was ingrained into the politics, so even Christian leaders would do Mithraic ceremonies, like Marriage. Paul was converting Pagans to Christianity, and if you read what he said according to the Bible, he said "I am all things to all men" and he was doing that so that people would like Jesus.

Mithra can be found in pretty much EVERY culture. A blatant example (and other examples) can be seen in the Middle East. If you have ever heard of the "Oman" people, when they become men according to their culture, they have to start carrying a knife. But not just any knife, a Khanjar. Below is a Omani man with his knife, then below that is the Emblems of Mithra, which is the Phrgian cap and the J shaped knife.


And this is actually not even rare. Mithraism was popular all the way from the Island of Britain to the Middle East. If you remember ISIS was chasing the Yizidi people up that Mountain and America had to bomb the ISIS members at the bottom of the mountain? The Yizidi people are a still practicing Mithraic group that is seen as related historically to the birth of Christianity. If you look up "Yizidi" you will see people wearing the Red and White Mushroom colors. And below is the Kurdish Flag, which has the Star of Mithras on it. Then, if you look at pretty much any Middle Eastern Flag you will find the Colors Red, White and Green. Which is out Christmas Colors.

Mithraism was the base nature religion before the Romans, Christians and Muslims started making Empires. Then the Empires absorbed the Mithraism and suppressed it. But it was always there. Today, we see it in the Christmas Holiday and in the nations described above. As well as in Christianity/Catholicism.
Most people have probably heard of Bull fighting. Mithra was known for killing a bull, and wearing a Red Cape. Bull Fights are pretty much a perfect example of how we are still doing Mithraic ceremonies around the world.
If you look at the US Senate Seal, and the US Army Seal, you will see a Phrygian cap. If you have ever heard of the Assassination of Julius Cesar, after the Assassination, the Assassins went out to the Public and put a Phrygian cap on a Pole. This was meant to be a Symbol of Freedom/Liberty from a Tyrant.

If you think the Legislative and Executive branches are trying to hard to be "professional Upper Class" and not trying hard enough to be human in your state or country, put a Red Hat on top of a Pole, and take a Picture of it. This symbol is a symbol that is still in the US Senate Seal and the US Army Seal, so the Government knows what it means.

And just a random fact, but Democracy means we get to pick our leaders, and that we one day could be elected. But it has become pretty Blatant that only certain people can run for office. I wasn't even in favor of Ron Paul because he wants an old America not a new one, but people supported him and the Media would hardly even listen to him. And that was a guy that was pretty well known before the Campaign.

We only get to choose between certain people, usually people phrase it as "The best of 2 evils". But I don't think we have to do that.

For example, Hilary Clinton is probably going to be the next president, which is awesome because we haven't had a female president. But wouldn't it be awesome if we had a female president that wasn't making all her money by doing speeches talking nice to bankers?

If you have a Santa hat at your house, just take it some time and put it on top of a pole somewhere. And take a Picture of it. Over the next few years, Christmas can become a Holiday where the Politicians remember they are supposed to keep their promises. Mithra is the God of promises/contracts and the Politicians should use his holiday properly.;179;300
Just a random question, does anyone feel like the Democratic party is doing their Job, or have you learned more about Democracy from this thread than from Democrats?

And do you feel like the Republicans are doing their job? Or does it seem like they are more worried about Guns and Taxes? Go look up "Republicanism" and "Liberty Pole" and tell me if you feel like Mitch McConnel belongs on that side. For example, the Liberty pole was part of the French Revolution, where they rounded up all the rich people and chopped their heads off. And it was the same hat used by the Muslim assassins who were defending their land from invaders. Does that sound like any modern Republican you know of? Or do modern Republicans want blood from outside nations? And even a bulked up police force.
Just a random question, does anyone feel like the Democratic party is doing their Job, or have you learned more about Democracy from this thread than from Democrats?

And do you feel like the Republicans are doing their job? Or does it seem like they are more worried about Guns and Taxes? Go look up "Republicanism" and "Liberty Pole" and tell me if you feel like Mitch McConnel belongs on that side. For example, the Liberty pole was part of the French Revolution, where they rounded up all the rich people and chopped their heads off. And it was the same hat used by the Muslim assassins who were defending their land from invaders. Does that sound like any modern Republican you know of? Or do modern Republicans want blood from outside nations? And even a bulked up police force.
Yea they are all doing a great I don't think Republicans want that...