huh? Huasca strip? Never heard of it. It compares to ayahuasca with its embracing, mother nature effect.
They are both just very nice and are eminently spiritual like I said before about peyote.
ayahuasca doesn't leave you a choice though, it does what it wants. And it isn't so kind to some folks. Well. Apparently. I've never seen someone go haywire on it. I've only seen my friends bawl out of happiness and become over-all better people and more in control of their life. No matter the person, that's always a side-effect. You don't really forget an ayahuasca experience or a peyote experience, ever. LSD, I can say I only have good recollection of heroic trips or if something interesting happened in the material world while on it. Same with mushrooms. But that may just be from doing those two probably upwards to hundreds of times. Lately I haven't spent as much time tripping. No idea why,just haven't felt like it and all that's around is LSD or ayahuasca which I make myself. I wouldn't mind doing ayahuasca again soon, due to a spout of depression starting with an almost fatal car accident and a felony from having a galaxy of narcotics in my car that weren't mine. Life didn't used to be this way, and remembering something like ayahuasca exists most definitely keeps my spirits up.
Exciting stuff. If it wasn't for peyote and ayahuasca id have no hope and id still be the depressed, suicidal slump I once was.