

Well-Known Member
Except for the stomach pains/presence, they were all wonderful, warm rich colors, exuberant atmosphere, as though you were being hugged by a happy God.


Well-Known Member
Except for the stomach pains/presence, they were all wonderful, warm rich colors, exuberant atmosphere, as though you were being hugged by a happy God.
I wanted to try some NBOME-mescaline, I ordered some before, but apparently the dose is like 100mg, when it was hypothesized to be 1-2mg, so it was very expensive, and basically I wasted 80 bucks..

Apparently it's extremely similar to mescaline, a lot more than other mescaline analogues, such as 2c-x's.


Well-Known Member
The days of parties where in the kichen on the stove was a gigantic pot of simering water filled to the top with large, bobbing peyote buttons, ah I still remember. Other times, horse caps filled with greyis tiny needles being passed from hand to hand with a bottle of tequila. Exciting times long long gone.