Message To April : )

crypt, i didnt provoke any of that... i dont control what they do, dont put it on me, lets just go back to april!

as for samwell, you have no idea. so lets just keep our personal trauma to ourselves

It was your bitter relationship with Meta. He MIGHT have provoked you, not saying anybody started the situation, but you were the catalyst.
just becuase you dont respect animals doesnt mean that the words are true
Definition for sadist:

someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain or others.

but whatever, guess i should go get a degree like you so i can comprehend life better

oh I did teach you something by showing you wikipedia.

least you can do is post the link too.

see I'm teaching you already :)
seeded Mj, isnt schwag dang you guys got it rough, my 100 Oz range literally is the rest of the countrys( besides the Major MJ areas) mid-top but thats just WA i guess
It was your bitter relationship with Meta. He MIGHT have provoked you, not saying anybody started the situation, but you were the catalyst.
Oh PLEASE let me feel directly responsible for ALL of this...Mwahaha *evil genius grin*

I would LOVE to take credit, man, this would be the biggest dramafest shitstorm I've started in a LONG time!
no i dont do the gay thing sorry, im not here to meet your acquaintance or make friends, friends or people that you know personally or are tangible not on line persona's

does everyone live in the IT world . . . . ?

im not trying to be a hardass or internet bully but no one likes you so can you drink a tall glass of shut the hell up?

i like you . . .
i dont know if u r in the running but i seen your post and u would make the worst one just being honest
she doesnt have to be and can u blame her for not being here i am even wondering why i am

I'm here just because the posts are being posted in such a short time, it's mind blowing. I mean I'm posting this message and right now it's only up to 51 pages I wonder where I will land. 52?