Message To April : )

i feel like i can tell april has a hot ass and i'd just go dirt-doggy crazy rippin' it up ugghhh... i mean she's in solid shape, the symmetry and facial structure indicates she's the perfect weight so she's prob got a puuurrrrrfect lil round rump. not many girls' faces just stand out in ur mind when u see them tho
omg, YESSS it's confimed: I would go buck-WILD just beatin' that thing mercilessly! FUCKIN A!

I feel like I need to do this to you again,

question to april- do you dig the pinky- finger-in-the-bum while-the-man-grabs-your-cheeks-and-pounds/squeezes them position? well I'm sure the boyfriend appreciates it *sigh*
^DUDE INNAPPROPRIATE. im sorry, but really? knowing her dude can read this? not trying to pick a fight but thats something you pm somebody
^DUDE INNAPPROPRIATE. im sorry, but really? knowing her dude can read this? not trying to pick a fight but thats something you pm somebody

he's so laid back... he knows i'm a random internet person, hundreds/thousands of miles away lol. he demonstrates control cuz well, he's IN control. I, on the other hand, am making a fool of myself out of boredom....for fun :D
Uhh.. yea. I don't want this to come off wrong, but.. is there anyway I could get a pic.. .of your left armpit. ii'R Fetish Frekaayyyy. <3
I'm from Northern Ontario and she ever gave me a chance to tap dat ass y'all know I would! Even smoke her a backwood before, during, and after ahaha.
i feel like i can tell april has a hot ass and i'd just go dirt-doggy crazy rippin' it up ugghhh... i mean she's in solid shape, the symmetry and facial structure indicates she's the perfect weight so she's prob got a puuurrrrrfect lil round rump. not many girls' faces just stand out in ur mind when u see them tho
You have a strange obsession with perfection....You watch a lot of porn don't you?