Message To April : )

definitely... looks like she paid about ten bucks for those bad boys based off of how they look... thats classy right there
definitely... looks like she paid about ten bucks for those bad boys based off of how they look... thats classy right there

Not sure you understand what naughty parts are, definitely not the finger nails. That's kind of the point, being kinda slutty sleazy looking, I mean a great f!@^! hell ya, a suitable wife/girlfriend maybe not.
ugh, wish i could find someone who sells them, but since i cant grow where i live, and cant make them at home, (live with my madre), i have to buy them, bought brownies one time, ate two, they didnt even hit, my dumbass friend gypped me
ugh, wish i could find someone who sells them, but since i cant grow where i live, and cant make them at home, (live with my madre), i have to buy them, bought brownies one time, ate two, they didnt even hit, my dumbass friend gypped me

Ya... Mine us to be a bit lame till I upped the medication now its two and no more if you want to be conscious. That's no joke just ask my buddy who ate 4 before I realized he ate some. Made for some great home movies.

And let me see a Pic of April i will judge whether or not she is hot.
How did we get stuck with YOU? i really have been trying to not argue with you, i thought we were at an impasse. please dont start up again
No, I mean, you don't GROW weed, and you're NOT much of a why a weed forum??

It's a legitimate question...
Lol i googled a weed question and ended up here, and i liked the atmosphere, and just because i dont have weed 24/7 doesnt mean i dont smoke ALOT. Lol about half the time im on here I am high
Lol i googled a weed question and ended up here, and i liked the atmosphere, and just because i dont have weed 24/7 doesnt mean i dont smoke ALOT. Lol about half the time im on here I am high

You started a thread to find out how much weed to buy when you went to Vegas to visit your dad...What kinda stoner doens't know how much weed to buy?? Do NOT tell me "Well, I don't know how much my dad and bro/sis smoke, so I needed opinions" because thats BullShit! You smoke weed all the time? Then you know how much you smoke, and you must hang around with others who smoke too, some more than you and some less, yes? How do you not know these simple things then...You smoke out of shitty ghetto rigged pipes or blunts? Yeah, I smoked out of shitty ghetto rigged cans for like a month, then I made a legit hooka out of a starbucks frappachino bottle, a piece of bamboo, and a carved soapstone bowl...took me like 10 minutes and cost the price of the drink...I'm calling you out...sorry