I wasn't implying that you were advocating violence, just making a point before some of our more immature contributors try to twist this around as such. Actually, V for Vendetta is one of my all time favorite movies.I am not soliciting violence.
Just pointing out the correlation of the governing politics that led to the Tea Party, are clearly similar to events unfolding today.
We have set up a wonderful platform from which to lead the people. But, it has been twisted and corrupted, or down right ignored for 3 generations!
It's lived past twice any governments life expectancy, and that is proof it has great aspects!
Now it would have been better if that off duty Pig would have pulled his gun and accidentally discharged it into his leg hitting a major artery and we then get to watch himself bleed to death.[youtube]vTBuDIybwWw&feature=player_embedded[/youtube]