Messed up lightning timer on autos

Hello RIU.
I have a question: autoflowering strain,it is roughly now in 2nd week of flowering,and it was on 12/12 from seed - it was, because somehow,someone turned the timer off and lights were on 24/0 for a couple of days before anyone noticed and switched back to 12/12.

So,my question is:are the plants retarded now beyond repair or is there still place for hope that everything will go back to normal?They still look normal but they dont seem to be progressing...I think i know the answer and that everything is lost,but I would like a confirmation from someone experienced.

Thank you for help and for all the knowledge available here,this was my first forum and after checking many more after,this still is one of my favourite sites.


Well-Known Member
still on my first grow and had my share of hurdles, but I recently went back to 24/7 from 12/12 and my autos are on crack again.
thanks for the feedback,but i still need an answer:did a couple of days of 24/0 light in 2nd week of flowering irreversibly interrupt the plant's process?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hello RIU.
I have a question: autoflowering strain,it is roughly now in 2nd week of flowering,and it was on 12/12 from seed - it was, because somehow,someone turned the timer off and lights were on 24/0 for a couple of days before anyone noticed and switched back to 12/12.

So,my question is:are the plants retarded now beyond repair or is there still place for hope that everything will go back to normal?They still look normal but they dont seem to be progressing...I think i know the answer and that everything is lost,but I would like a confirmation from someone experienced.

Thank you for help and for all the knowledge available here,this was my first forum and after checking many more after,this still is one of my favourite sites.
As has been said, they are auto's, you want as much light as possible, only use 12/12 if you are keeping your electricity bill down or have photoperiod plants flowering in the same room.
As has been said, they are auto's, you want as much light as possible, only use 12/12 if you are keeping your electricity bill down or have photoperiod plants flowering in the same room.
Long story short - regime is 12/12 and has been 12/12 for these 2 autos for their whole life,because of several things,but yeah its perma 12/12 atm.So,did those couple of days of 24/0 ruin it?
And another question,regarding your advice to switch to 24/0 even tho they're in 2nd week of flowering,and it connects to my original question:wouldnt this change of lightning regime,especialy if done now,inhibit or even stop flowering?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
They are autoflowers. Nothing you do with the light will alter it's flowering, they do their own thing regardless of light. Them having more light for a few days is a good thing, unlike with photoperiod plants.
They are autoflowers. Nothing you do with the light will alter it's flowering, they do their own thing regardless of light. Them having more light for a few days is a good thing, unlike with photoperiod plants.
Thank you,i didnt know that.I was reading,and I was told by the person that got me these autoflowering seeds that you're supposed to run them on 12/12 from start.
I will try the seeds that I got left with 24/0 light when everything else is done.
Thanks again on info and great news,I was sure everything is lost.