messiah's Micro-Perpetual Single Cab Grow - Pot of Gold


Active Member
Alright, well, let's get this started. I've been lurking about RIU for around 4 years, just reading and learning from anything that caught my attention. My current (first) grow is about to harvest its first lady, and I've decided to post it on RIU since I've received all of my growing knowledge from this site and its great inhabitants, and maybe somewhere I can inspire someone. I haven't posted anything on any forum, so I'm quite clueless as to how some of these functions work, so cut me some slack on that aspect.

Well here's the deal:
1 x Cheap aluminum cabinet found in my basement
3 x CFL's on Veg shelf
1 x Bubble Cloner on Veg shelf
1 x 150w HPS for Flower
Bag of Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Bunch of Party Cups

And that's it. I've tried to keep this grow as simple and efficient as possible. I wanted to try perpetual because my roomates and I smoke a lot, but we didn't want a big operation. Got a single Pot of Gold clone from a friend, turned it into a mother, and things started from there.

Pics! (Hopefully)



Active Member
Weekly update. Everything looking good. It's been 9 weeks since I started flower on the lead girl (red cup). I put her in about a week and a half before any of the others. Anyone done Pot of Gold before that could tell me when they're typically ready? I don't even have a working magnifying glass let alone a loupe, just kinda goin on intuition.




I like your setup :-) I also got my first grow going in a cab similar to yours. Some pretty nice looking buds you got there! Why don't you use bigger pots and use more of the available space in your flower section? That plant looks nice and ripe i'd stop feading her nutes and just use water to flush the soil before harvest! Have fan leaves started to yellow up? Come take a look at mine I'm a week into flowering and they are looking mighty nice :) Peace :leaf:


Active Member
Hey Murder, thanks for stoppin by. Your setup looks fantastic, love the cab, and your plants look good too:-P
There are 2 main reasons why I'd rather have small party cup plants than big potted plants:
1.) With a staggered perpetual harvest, I'd much rather have 11 plants in flower than say 3. If I do my shit right, I should be able to harvest a plant or two every 2 weeks for as long as I want. With 3 big girls, I could only harvest every 2 weeks three times before having to wait a long time before my next harvest.

2.) Having a lot of little gals is less stress for me. If one dies in some sort of accident, it doesn't have too much of an impact on total harvest. If I only had 3, a death means 33% of my harvest gone.

Thank you for your advice on flushing too. The latter days of flower are definitely my weak point in growing in terms of knowledge, including cutting, pruning, drying and curing. Any tips or referrals would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Things are still chugging along nicely. Still haven't harvested the lead girl as you can tell; she's turning a nice purple so I figured I'd give her another few days to see if I can intensify the effect. Getting excited to smoke my first homegrown!:joint:


seamore green

Active Member
This is impressive, I like your micro-style. Don't those little girls get rootbound in those or does it just help them stay little? I'd like to see average harvest weight per plant with those solo's. I'll be following.


Active Member
Well I tried to wait until my harvest to post, but my bitches are just taking so long! Over 120 days of flower for my lead girl so far, and for SoG that's unacceptable, especially a set-up as micro as my own. So I just popped some Belladonna beans into a cup of water to germ. Bella is supposed to have a MUCH shorter flowering time than 120 days, hopefully more around 70-80. I'll run the two strains side by side if possible (might be difficult given space constraints) and compare their SoG effectiveness. Because while my Pot of Gold may be taking a really long time to flower, they are looking absolutely gorgeous! Great budsicles, exactly the effect I was going for, all of them are getting a really deep shade of purple, and the aroma is so sweet. Take a look at my latest, hopefully my next post will be my harvest (of the lead girl, red cup).



Active Member
This is sweet, you obviously have a brilliant setup here it is working a treat, could you tell me a bit about your ventilation setup? I have been growing in a similar style under a 150w hps in a micro cab for a couple of years and have just started to get a perpetual thing happening.


Active Member
Wow, totally sorry for no responses guys, didn't think this thread was getting any activity anymore, and I'm sure it won't after this :-P
But um yeah, the Micro SOG was a great success, probably netted me around 6oz. dry over the course of approximately 6 months. Everything about the smoke was great, taste, smell, burnage.
Really loved this cab, put in a bunch of work and a bunch of holes and you can grow lol. But yeah, it's done for, just threw it out not but 3 days ago, great memories.
I'm not finished yet though, my next project is looking to be a tent grow with a 400w parabolic SCROG style grow. Much bigger plants, much bigger yield. I'll start a new thread when I get my funds together and my mind out of the gutter. I want to get it started soon because winter is my favorite to grow in, especially with an incoming 400w for heat issues.
But yeah, again, sorry for no responses, I'm a flimsy forum goer at best, but I'll do better in the future!
Smoke somethin