Metal grow cabinet


New Member
Hi all, brand new here and building 1st setup. Using a metal 2 door stationary cabinet. Need advice on if the cab needs to be stored inside home or can be in a garage (cold) also want to know if using foam foilboard to insulate inside of cab + panda white is going to be better or worse for condensation. So location and insulation are my main questions. I’ll be running intake and scrubbing carbon exhaust all inside cabinet for stealth reasons. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help a newbe
A board or film could trap humidity between the metal and covering and cause issues...consider a metal primer and matte white paint. You will lose some of your stealth without the board because of vibration from the exhaust. Also light leaks are something to take into consideration. It’s fine in veg but once in flower you could run into herm issues.
Also if I’m reading correctly it sounds like your not going to exhaust out of the cabinet? That will recirculate any heat build up and also cause issues. Unless you’re running co2. Then disregard.
Thank you.
Exhausting out at top of cabinet but carbon filter and fan is in cab.
Intake fan at bottom.
I was hoping the foilboard would also help with temp and sound. I’ve read online it’s not flammable but really concerned about lining it with foilboard if it will cause massive condensation issues. Basically I have airflow in and out. Any more feedback or advice you could give me would be awesome
I’d just buy a tent and be done with it unless you are trying to camouflage it, for a hundred bucks everything is done
Ahh i see. Yup exhaust out the top is good. What type of lights are you planning on running? Another consideration is a passive intake somewhere near the bottom. It’s good for bringing in some fresh air. Will need to construct some kind of light baffle so it can’t reach the girls from the intake during flower.
I’m not 100% sure condensation will be an issue. If you have all your gear you can run everything dry and dial in your cabinet and see if it’s at an optimal climate. Pick up a hygrometer too if you haven’t already.

Edit: My bad you said you have a active intake at the bottom...
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Thanks Pagingmrherman, yes I will have to make some sort of light baffell for the lower intake fan. So if I go ahead with the foilboard directly lining the inside of the cabinet (with my airflow in place) Do you think it will be ok to have the cabinet in a tin shed garage outside?
As long as your able to keep any extreme heat or cold fluctuations in check in the shed then give it a shot. I can’t find the link right now but I read someone else on here building a shed grow. A little different then yours because they were using the whole shed and your essentially using yours as a lung room but it could have some good info.