Metale Halide


Well-Known Member
alright end it with the stealin ok..yea its bad we get the point..and i read about growing fequently..growing is a expierence project you cant read textbook information on it..Most of you clearly have much expierence
Return the stolen stuff, you will feel a lot better I'm sure of it. Or maybe you have no compassion for others and are okay that you screwed someone you don't even know over. I really hope you choose to return the items and start a legit grow.

Tom :leaf:


Well-Known Member
alright end it with the stealin ok..yea its bad we get the point..and i read about growing fequently..growing is a expierence project you cant read textbook information on it..Most of you clearly have much expierence
wtf , you young , own a computer, know how to get on to a message board.. know "boobies" but not "how to grow pot"............................?:o:o:wall::wall::?:-?:cry::roll::lol::bigjoint:

not trying to be hurtful here ... but seriously .. wtf ?


Well-Known Member
And don't start your thread with I got bulbs that all my pockets would fit. Why give somebody the idea that your lowlife thief...


Well-Known Member
NLIGHTS420 go to ebay and type in hydroponic lights some advice 400w should be good for growing about 8 nice plants.


Well-Known Member
Try a book store buddy, there is tons of "text" about Marijuana horticulture. TRUST ME.
Ask someone there to lead you to the gardening section. Kinda blew your chance of getting help here. Unless theres other thieves that would like to help you. By the way how might we be priests? Cause we don't condone stealing?
Try using proper American English, maybe we won't see you as a juvi.


Well-Known Member
And if you take that great advice and go to a bookstore make sure you purchase the book and don't steal it!!

Tom :leaf:


Well-Known Member
How old did you say you where? REAL mature telling someone to stf on a forum. E-thugging


Well-Known Member
My guess is 15 maybe 16... lol! I think he found a seed and just knew that he could grow poundage haha. NLights420, I think the rest of the forum and I are all sick of thieves corrupting this wonderful website. So I think it would be best to find another website to post on and maybe you won't make such a horrible first impression. Thief!!!

Tom :leaf:


Active Member
hey tom, who the fuck do you are, looking down at this guy because he might or might not have stolen the bulbs. are you kidding me, growing weed is ilegal and you want to self righteous fucks!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Did I ever Imply that? I'm Far from an "expert".
99.9999999999% of the shit on this forum, comes from Noobs, just like your self!
You all think your hot shit, coming here with not one bit of respect for any one.
The ones that have been here for a while, understand how this site works. The ones that have been here for a while i bet did not start off the way you 2 have.


Active Member
you guys are the ones showing that guy no respect.your an idiot for calling someone a noob. you have no idea what I know. I'm not on here asking questions. i'm just making a point, who are we to judge. how can any grower have that attitude you fucking geek.


Well-Known Member
now I'm a geek? Wow buddy. FARRRRRRRRR from that one.
Any one that states they stole or even imply they stole, will be frowned upon heavily.
noob......newbie..."new to the site"


Well-Known Member
Your wrong dude you can't equate growing pot to stealing, one hurts no one at all and the other does, its not a question of illegality but one of morality.

As for the OP it really isn't that hard to find out about HID lighting it's not rocket science. Have you even looked at the GrowFAQ it has pretty much every answer that you could possibly have.


Well-Known Member
Did I ever Imply that? I'm Far from an "expert".
99.9999999999% of the shit on this forum, comes from Noobs, just like your self!
You all think your hot shit, coming here with not one bit of respect for any one.
The ones that have been here for a while, understand how this site works. The ones that have been here for a while i bet did not start off the way you 2 have.
their has been a recent flood of ppl with thousands of posts that have been members for like a month and noobs on ther 1st grow with like a 4 inch plant giving advice and startin shit... a lot of noobs askin how to be a weed barron sellin ther way to riches and growin 5 pounds in a shoe box with a cfl been rough round here lately, took me over a year to get 1000 posts